12) Insane.

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"Well you see. Um." He had a worried look on his face. "I..I don't know" he sniffled, looking down at his feet. I can tell he's hiding something.

"Mikey." I looked at him, unconvinced.

"Les." He looked at me.

"You know where he is. Don't you?" I shook his arm.

"Yea" he looked down. Before I could say anything, Luke's parents came out.
"You guys can go back in now, we booked a hotel for tonight, we will be back tomorrow. Goodnight" His dad smiled a little, you could tell his mom was too upset to say anything. We walked back in the room, I sat back in my chair, pondering questions in my head. It seems like we all had something on our minds. Even Luke, he had the same expression as earlier but it just seems like he has something that's bothering him.


It's been 2 hours since I talked to Michael about Ashton, 2 days since Luke got in his accident and I was still sitting in my chair, in the same clothes that I had on when I got here, the only thing that is different is now I can't get my mind off of that night. What happened? And what did Ashton have to do with it?


It has now been another 3 hours and I have been trying to piece together information to form a conclusion. Something. Anything. But everything I have tried always comes to a dead end when I try to fit Ashton in the situation. I give up. What am I supposed to do? Even if I do find out what happened that night, it won't fix anything. In fact, it will probably just make me go more insane.

Speaking of going insane, I think I might have just lost it.

"Ma'am you need to get out of here. Someone get me the doctor" a nurse was yelling, everyone in confusion and disorder. But the only thing I can hear out of everything is Luke's heart monitor beeping uncontrollably. A male nurse tried to push me out but I couldn't, I can't. I can't leave him. I screamed and cried, trying to push myself back through the door frame. I can't. I need to stay. All of a sudden I lost my balance and started to pass out. The last thing I saw was Luke's bed being rushed into the hall and brought into a different room.


"When will she wake up?" I recognized Michael's shaky voice. He's been crying.

"It's nothing permanent, she should wake up in a little while." I heard a female voice speaking calm and softly.

"Okay, thank you" I heard Calum and Katelynn's voices speak at the same time, then a door shut. I opened my eyes to see Mikey, Calum, and Katelynn standing around me. I was laying down on something soft. I sat up quickly, looked at my surroundings, I was in a hospital room, but not Luke's.

"Hey" Katelynn smiled, speaking softly but still shaky from crying.

"What happened?" I rubbed my eyes.

"After Luke's monitor went nuts, you started to freak out so the nurses had to give you a shot to calm you down." Calum's voice was shaky too, I could see his dried up tears on his face. Then my thoughts shot back into my head.

"Luke." I jumped up, taking a breathing tube off and running towards the door. But a pair of arms grabbed me.

"He is in his room. He is fine. It's just no one is allowed in his room for the rest of the day and tomorrow." Mikey turned me around.

I slumped on the ground, remembering back to my dream.

"Les?" I turned around to see a tall, blonde headed figure standing in front of me.

"Luke!" I ran up to him, squeezing him into a tight hug and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank God you're okay. I had the craziest dream that you got in an accident and you were in a coma" I squeezed him tighter.

"It wasn't a dream les." He collapsed on to the floor, nurses coming towards him, putting him on a bed. I sat on a chair next to his bed, looking at him. He jumped up, sitting, facing me.

"Les, listen to me. Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Go, go, go!" He screamed pointing towards the door.

"No! I am going crazy thinking about you Luke! I'm so afraid that if I leave you or don't look for just a split second...I'm scared I'll..I'll lose you!" I screamed, tears flowing down my face.

"Les. I will be okay. Look at me. I'm great! You need to get some sleep. You need to eat. You need to stop worrying. Okay? Will you please just do that for me?" He held my shoulders. I nodded, him wiping away my tears.

"Les? Les?" Katelynn was waving her hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You okay?"

"Uh. Yea. I'm fine. I just..I just need some water"

"I'll go get you some" Michael got up and started walking towards the door.

"No. No. I'll get it." I got up from the floor and stepped through the doorframe, going towards Luke's room. I looked through the small window in the door. He was laying there, eyes closed, but this time he didn't look like he had something on his mind. He looked...calm. I stepped to the wall across from his door and let my back slide down, I just stared at his door. Waiting for something to happen. Anything.

"Hello" a lady smiled, popping her head in front of me. I recognized her as Luke's nurse, Hailey. She sat next to me. "You know, I went through the same situation as you" she interrupted the silence. "I was in love with a man. He had gotten shot while he was at work, he was a police officer, I stayed outside his room for days while he had his surgery, I felt like I was going insane without him. But sooner or later, I realized. He wouldn't have wanted me to be like this. I mean yea, he wants me to be there for him. But not starve myself and go crazy." It got silent for a while. "But he turned out okay. And now...I'm married to him with two kids. And he works at home so he can take care of the kids, and we are one happy family...so don't beat yourself up. Go eat something, change into some different clothes." She laughed, getting up and holding her hand out in front of me to help me up. I just shook my head.

"Okay, well at least eat something" she smiled, giving me a muffin. I took it and ate a bite of it. She smiled and walked to my room, coming out with Michael, Calum, and Katelynn.

"There you are" Mikey rushed to me.

"What were you doing?" Katelynn sat next to me.

"Les. You okay?" Calum sat next to Katelynn. Michael sat on the other side of me, looking at Luke's door then back at me.

"He's gonna be okay" Michael whispered in my ear. We all just stared at his door for about an hour.

"Miss Montes. You have to go back to your room, it's getting late" a nurse came up to me, holding out her hand. I grabbed it and stood up. Mikey, Calum, and Katelynn followed behind me.

Luke's words from my dream kept repeating in my head. I miss his voice, I miss him. Then Ashton popped back in my head. What did he do? Why is he gone? Then I remembered back to that night at the coffee shop. Luke was working for them. What if they did this?


I woke up on my hospital bed, screaming. Michael was standing next to me.

"Are you okay?" He looked worried.

"Yea I just had a bad dream, that's all" I wiped my eyes, waking myself up a little. I was still breathing heavily from my dream.

"What was it about?" He laid down on the bed with me.

"Them" I stared at the ceiling. I didn't say anymore because I think we both know who I'm talking about.


thanks so much for voting and everything it means so much, just getting reads means a lot. Thank you guys! |stay amazing, bye|

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