27) Ashton.

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{get comfy and grab some ice cream and popcorn because this is going to be a long chapter but it kinda just gets to the point so it doesn't seem that long sorry. Btw: if you haven't noticed. Ice cream and popcorn is kind of a thing in this book. Idk. But I seriously do love I-C and POP-C. See what I did there? Ha I quack my self up. Shut up Kate. Btw again: my name is Kate haha. Anyway. GET TO THE BOOK!}

"Hey" I smiled, letting go of the hug and almost falling over.

"Why are you doing here?" I laughed, sitting down and taking a taste of my frappe.

"Well Michael basically kicked me out and you were always talking about how great Seattle is. So I came here" he sat down, taking a straw and opening just the top of the straw wrapper.

"Well I guess I have someone to talk to now." I laughed.

"Do you not have anyone to talk to here?" He smiled, blowing through the straw, causing the straw wrapper to fly at my face.

"Hey!" I laughed, crumbling my straw wrapper up and throwing it at him. "And no. Katelynn is still with Calum, Luke, and Michael. And Connor lives out there for college so.." My voice trailed off as I took another sip of my drink.

"Well now you have me" he smiled. "Oh now I can finally go to that Aquarium!" He seemed to get really excited.

"Why couldn't you go by yourself?" I laughed.

"Because it would be boring alone and I would look like a loner" he laughed.

"I didn't say I would go with you" I laughed.

"Aw. Pleasee" he basically begged me.

"Fine." I smiled.

"Yay. Now I really want a donut or something" he laughed.

"I have this?" I handed him my blueberry cheesecake muffin thingy.

"Ooo that looks good" he smiled, grabbing it and taking a bite.

"Is it?" I haven't tried it but I honestly bought it and didn't really want it.

"Very" he smiled, taking another bite.

"Dang Ashton. You are acting like you haven't eaten in days" I laughed. He just looked down at his feet. "Ashton? Why haven't you been eating?" I crossed my arms.

"It's complicating" was all he managed to say.

"Uh huh" I said sarcastically, taking a sip of my drink. "So. Where do you stay?"

"I live in a little apartment near the key arena" he took the last bite of the muffin.

"That's a long walk from here"

"Yea, but it's good exercise and I get to see the pretty trees and stuff" he giggled.

"Well you want to come to my house? It's closer" I laughed.

"Sure" he smiled, getting out of the booth.


"Hey mom. This is my friend Ashton" I smiled, walking into the house and seeing both Tucker and my mom in the kitchen.

"Oh I've seen him! Isn't he in that magazine you have in your room? He's in that band...umm. What was it-" she was about to speak again but my brother interrupted.

"6 minutes of winter" Tucker laughed.

"5 seconds of summer" I tried to laugh. My family is so embarrassing.

"Hi. Nice to meet you" Ashton smiled, shaking Tucker and my mom's hand.

"Nice to meet you too" my mom smiled.

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