20) Finally Again.

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{okay so my timing was a little off. So just pretend it's around like 10:00 at night right now haha}

"It's fine Luke. I don't think you'll never remember anyway" I shook my head, trying to stop the tears from falling down my face.

"I'm sorry Leslie" I almost died inside of him saying my name, he doesn't look at me the same anymore. He used to say my name and make it sound like something magical, but that's not how it is anymore. He doesn't remember.

"Stop apologizing." I got up and walked into my room, sitting on the floor and crying.


I had awaken that morning, still in my clothes from last night, dry tears on my face. On the floor with the movie Beastly playing on the tv and a cup of ice cream on the night stand and some popcorn on my lap. I looked at the time. 5:15 a.m. I was already wide awake so I got up, walking in the bathroom and brushing me teeth, changing into some different clothes. I felt my phone vibrate.

Seattle concert tomorrow. Home:)

I felt tears falling down my face. Reminding me that I can't go home because the tour was canceled causing the concert to cancel because of Luke's accident. And that's what caused him to lose his memory.

I cried for about half an hour when I heard a continuing knock on my hotel door. "I'm busy" I screamed across the room. The knock still didn't stop. I groaned getting up and walking towards the door, the knock still repeating over and over again. "I'm coming, I'm coming" I said, hoping that would stop it but it still didn't stop. I swung the door open to find Luke standing there, with his hand still prepared to knock again. He put it on his crutches, standing himself back up, smiling.

"I've been thinking." He started. I looked down at my feet, tears still falling down my face. "About you. About everything.." He still continued. What is he doing? "I hope that when you wake up, if you wake up, we can be back together again." He put a finger under my chin, making me look up at him. I wiped the tears from under my eyes. "I really miss you, like a lot." He finished.

"What?" My voice shaky and confused.

"Those were the words you said to me, while I was..asleep." He looked at me, gripping onto his crutches a little more.

"You remember that?" I could feel my heart beating faster.

He nodded. "I had a dream. About you. We were sitting at a counter or something and you had a mug in your hand. You had laughed and then wiped something of of my face. Then it went straight to the moment when you told me that. I could hear you, but all I could see was black. Then I woke up and it clicked." He stared into my eyes. "I remember you, Leslie" he smiled.

I jumped up and hugged him. It felt so good to hug him. "Come in" I opened the door to help in come through the door in his crutches. He sat on the bed and leaned back. I smiled. It's so weird yet comfortable having him back. Really back this time.


This chapter is really short but omg I've been planning this forever, I actually wrote this like 2 weeks ago because I was so excited. Hope you like it:). Byee!

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