22) What do i do?

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{that's three updates in one day. Btw: I had to go to the emergency room yesterday because I swallowed a magnet...don't judge me. But anyway, yea I'm stupid. Hope you like this chapter}

"Michael?" I looked at him confused.

"I'm sorry. Just forget that ever happened" he leaned back in his seat, driving forwards when the light turned green. It was quiet on the way there.

"So. What did you need to tell me?" He wouldn't look at me, he just kept looking straight.

"Oh. Um. Luke remembers me" I started to play with my fingers.

"Oh. That's good" he slightly smiled, still not looking at me.

"I'll go get the food" I hopped out the car and started walking into some burger place. I looked back to see Michael punching the steering wheel and yelling. I don't know what to do. I mean what did he expect me to do?

"Um. Two burgers and three milkshakes to go" I smiled, getting my wallet out and paying the cashier lady, then sitting down to wait for my food. I took out my phone, going to my messages. I had one missed text.

iMessage from: Katelynn at 1:20 p.m

Hey, Luke told me the news! Yay!

iMessage to: Katelynn at 1:21 p.m.

Hey. Michael told me his news too.

"Order number 157" a lady yelled. I got up and grabbed my food, then went to the car and checked my phone.

iMessage from: Katelynn at 1:22 p.m

Uh oh.


"We are back!" I yelled across the room. "I got you a milkshake" I smiled at Luke.

"Thanks" he smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Here's your burger and milkshake" I handed Michael his. He just shook his head and walked into his room.

"Hey Leslie. Come see" Katelynn nodded for me to go in my room.

"So. What happened?" She shut the door and crossed her arms.

"Wait. You knew he liked me in that way?" I looked at her.

"Duh" she laughed. "Now what did he tell you?"

"Well. He didn't exactly tell me anything" I looked down at my feet.

"How can he tell you without talking to you?" She paused for a minute and then finally realized what had happened. "Oh my gosh. What did you do?"

"Nothing. I just got out and got the food" I sat on the bed.

"Do you like him?" She took my milkshake from me and took a taste.

"I don't know." I looked at my feet.

"Hey Les! Come see" Luke yelled from the living room.

"Yeah?" I opened the door.

"Can you help me up please?" He held out a hand.

"Yea" I smiled, pulling him up and handing him his crutches.

"So, what do you want to do today?" He smiled.

"Um. I don't know." I slightly smiled.

"You guys can come with me and Calum." Katelynn came out smiling. "We are going to the mall"

"You wanna go?" Luke looked at me smiling.

"Um. Sure." I smiled. Michael then walked out of his room, grabbing his jacket and walking out the front door.

"What's wrong?" Calum walked out, seeing Michael storm through the door.

"I don't know" Luke looked at Calum.

"You ready?" Calum smiled at Katelynn.

"Yea. Luke and Leslie are going to come with us" she smiled.

"Okay, let's go" Calum grabbed his wallet and walked out with Katelynn while I helped Luke out. We caught up with them at the elevator and since the elevator has glass walls, all the fans waiting down at the lobby started screaming and pointing at us. Luke started laughing a little.

"This is incredible" he moved closer to the glass, looking at all the get well soon posters.


"Ooo this is cute!" Katelynn held up a skirt and showed it to me.

"I think I found a shirt that would go with that too" I started looking through the rack I was just looking at. "Here it is" I handed her a dark red shirt with black writing on it.

"I'm going try this on." She smiled, running to the dressing rooms.

"Have you found anything yet?" Luke laughed, walking up next to me...well moving next to me since he has crutches.

"No. None of this stuff will look good on me" i slouched a little, still looking at the racks.

"You'll look fine. Just go try on something" he laughed.

"Okay" I grabbed an outfit that I thought was cute earlier.


"Luke can I get a picture?" I could hear some fans from outside the dressing room. I walked out, holding the outfit that I liked and walked up to Luke.

"Found one?" He smiled. I nodded.

"Can you take a picture of us?" The girl handed me her phone when I nodded. After that she told him to get well soon then walked out the store.

"So." He smiled. "When do you want to go on a proper date?"


This chapter is SOO uninteresting. So sorry. I'll probably be posting another chapter tomorrow. Oh and I read this story called "Mine" and it's a Calum fanfic. I looveee it so much. It's in my reading list. If you read it, vote for it and all that because it's super good. Byeee:)

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