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When the heart and mind collide,
the uncertainty, the skepticism,
all my emotions just huddled.
The heart whispers, "Go for it!"
My mind says, "Stop, you're committing yourself to another heartache."
Then there I was at the corner and balled up.

But when the heart and mind finally unite,
the trumpets, the confetti, like the flowers dancing on a windy day,
all of this I feel swirling, exploding in my belly.
The heart shouts "I'm very delighted and full!"
My mind, it's as if it smiles only silently, and does its purpose, thinking; "Finally, you got what you truly deserve."
Then there's me, shying away from scribbles of pure chaos because somebody pulled me out, and I think that's you.


To Fill or Burst, To Break or BuryWhere stories live. Discover now