Coeli - Nabibighani (VI-XV-MMXXI)

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Afternoon, the sun is out and is glaring at us.
Stillness is contemporary with the gentle wind.
We were listening to each other,
and then there was this comfortable silence,
It allowed me to explore while staying on the spot.
I saw your eyes,
I'd love to compare them with how the ocean water glistens midday, even on sunsets.
I felt everything, I just didn't hear everything.
My heart is calm, just peaceful.
My ears must've gone numb as they chose to just pay attention to you.
They didn't hear the heartbeats humming uncontrollably.
It's funny how our giggles got so alike,
that we copy each other—completely unaware.
The clock had forgotten how to move clockwise,
time was not bound at all.
Warped, just floating in space.
Time was in sync with us.
Time did not continue, certainly contradicting its description.
We were awoken by the sound of a jeepney passing by,
we said our goodbyes,
and our afternoon summarized the whole spring season,
flowers bloomed,
full of life,
and it all ended with a heartfelt smile.


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