31 JAN 23 |22:47

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A photo of us, a recollection of a shared memory—redrawn on a piece of paper, hidden behind the frame away from the eyes of many. I should've given it to you, I could've seen your expressive eyes and even heard a silent thank you from you. We could've experienced many firsts hand in hand, I would've told you "pipiliin kita araw-araw," and you would hear me say it directly. I could've sung the songs I want you to hear under the fire flowers. I should've held your hand more and hugged you the last time we were alone together when it first occurred to me. We could've gone to a lot of places, and planned some more dates with matching outfits, we would've shared one umbrella under the downpour or even the dazzling sun. You could've taught me strategies in chess games, I should've seen more sides of yourself that I'd willingly and wholeheartedly love.

Sometimes I wish I never woke up from such a beautiful dream, I should've stayed there—if that's enough to make me sane again.

Jan 31, 2023, at 11:07 pm

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