to fill or burst

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My heart started to burst,
I was scared at first
As if somebody threw my heart in the pit consumed by fire
It was so painful that I imagined its wounds—that it had shrunk to pieces and that it had no life

Slowly, steadily,
I can't think of the right words
Somehow the distress I wasn't able to express had found a way out
I did tell
And it was told
For a moment I was stunned,
I had foreseen things
And my assumptions were wrong

Confessing wasn't so bad at all
If I were to ask, how could the heart survive?
How could it feel everything and still beat afterward?
How can a heart thump this much even after being trampled and kicked numerous times?

It's because the heart still felt love,
And if it wasn't because of it -
It wouldn't even beat at all
I imagine my heart, puckered and smashed—held by another heart
The other heart had bandages all over, but it still beats better than any sound I've heard
And I never knew what to fill or burst meant until I encountered one

It did hurt, and I let it hurt
When it bursts, I let it out
To be understood, I felt my heart lighten up
To be held, my eyes did the waterwork
And all I had to do was give in,
my mind did the wonders and noticed my heart had filled up again

081121 6:02 AM

To Fill or Burst, To Break or BuryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum