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???:..son you are going to school of  y/n the our biggest enemy their family, ok...

???:yes dad but..i don't want her she is clingy you know her mind is like a child and its so embarassing..myou know that..

???: i know that son but get along to her because...if their family is one sit on their place or becoming king or queen, and i promise you becoming king...*pat his shoulder*...

??? And???: *evil laugh*..(a/n:i hope you choke🤣)

End of flashback

Time skip morning in kim mansion


We know that someone going to transfer in school and we know who he is, it's kai...we don't want to tell to our sister because what if she spend time with him more, more than us...and we have feeling that his family a.k.a. friend of dad..or classmate..we have feeling of that exo brothers are have bad intentions or their family....

Y/n: oppa!! Let's go guys!..*happy*

We are confuse

Jin:oh princess why are you happy?..*cofuse while smiling*

Y/n:...i don't know oppa...*while the maid wear for her the bag*..

Yoongi:...oh comeon guys the car is here...

End of POV


In car...

Y/n:...(driver name)oppa...can you put high volume a little bit because it's my favorite mucic ..IDOL..please..

Driver:ofcourse young miss..*while chuckling*..

When the boys heard that i mean they are not in one car right...but the others heard each that too because all their car have tracking device..that they always have wearing earbuds...because only maknae line in one car... that you're favorite song chim?

Y/n:..nope oppa all of their songs i like them...i wish i can meet all of them..*lowered head*..

Tae:...blossom someday you will see them *ruffles her hair*....

Jungkook:...right bunny..*while kissing her cheeks*

Others heard that...because they remembered said to her the they will go to their concert...when she is in coma..but they do it because its their promise to her...

In other car

Yoongi:...hyung when we gonna till her that we are bts and maf-..

Jin:yoongi..we will try before she go to US..but for family works i think not today..(a/n:no no not today)...*pat his shoulder*...

Time skips in school

While the maknae line are walking in the crowd ofcourse students admire them even boys...because they want to friends them...but not y/n.. But the heard some students taliking

Girl 3:do you heard that..some transferees..

Girl 5:.oh yes i heard that they are handsome too..

The maknae line boys heard that..and they know that who is them...
And they look at this side y/n..but they are relieve because she didn't heard that...and they are on the classroom...while the teacher is not on classroom the students are on their own wold...

Jungkook:...bunny what do you want to eat in lunch later?

Y/n:...hmmm i don't know oppa..*smile*...

While they are waiting to teacher...jungkook is right beside y/n playing her hair like caressing or what..or like a combing but hands

(a/n:sometimes i hate that my baby cousin hold my hair and and she aishh im gonna kill that kid and pulled my hair..and my aunt is infront of fake smiling and try to punch that kid🤣🤣)

While Tae beside him holding her soft hand and jimin behind them...doing his what ever and look at them when the teacher come with 4 students...but y/n is sleeping because of her oppas doing thats why she's sleeping they her oppas don't care because no matter what they own the school.....

Ms.(teacher's name):..good morning students we have some new students here,boys introduce youself...but wait Y/N! Pls wake Up!...*shout*..

When that teacher shout at her their immediately boiling in anger because they know that,,why they do that because they are bangtan sister...


But jimin hold his back to pretend his back but they see that the tranferee are secretly smirking but the maknae get along too,but they are thinking too why they are in the same class,they should be in senior high

Ms.:..sorry mr. kims..ok boys introduce now.....

???:..hello my name is d.o. i hope we can get along well...*fake smile*...

??? name is sehun nice to meet you i hope we can get along well

???:..hello guys my name is kai..

When the last introduce y/n lift up her head and look at the person jn seconds and she wave her hand excitedly..

End of POV...


She immediately get her hand on mine and wave at him...and wtf.. We really hate that kai...why rhe heck he is in here..he really want to get attention of our sister...but he obly think..*chuckling*.., i look up at my back...and jimin hyung is angry too..but he try to bi to calm his down..,and i look at jungkook his hand turn to fist....,you regret this kai why are you here...


JUNGKOOK POV you look like a friend of family kim...

Kai:oh yes ma'am...

Girl 4:hm kai you're handsome

Kai:oh thanks..*fake smile*..


Ms.:you can sit behind the bts

Wtf is that saying old lady but when before they going y/n raise her hand and said...

Y/n:hmm ms. Can they sit here? *points at sit where there oppas sitting*

Maknae line:.WHAT!

I Secretly look at that 3 bastard they are smirking...aish i hate that...

Girl 8:..oppas come here sit beside us... way

Y/n:pwease oppas..*puppy eye*...

Jimin:but we are sit behind you...ok

Y/n:..yes yay!..

We are shocked what himin hyung said while walking i whispered to jimin hyung why he agree

Jimin:we don't have proof if they have intention ok....let us not first show that we doubt...*whispered*

Ms: ok let's start our discussion blah blah blah....

Hyungs and i are looking at scene ifront of us, and we are not focusing in class...because that 3 guys is so clingy to her, and tae hyung too and jimin, even they are kicking their seats....because we are seeing yhe kai bastard is holding her hands wtf...and that his brothers too is talking and smiling at them...

End of POV

End of CHAPTER...

Sorry guys it's short

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