(!!) *Author's Note*

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Hi, everyone!!

It's been ages and I definitely owe you all an apology. It's nearing a year now since I last updated and it was never my intention to make you go so long without a new chapter.

I guess with the hustle and bustle of getting back to school (and me starting high school!) I never really had time to update. It was usually in the back of my mind to get back to this story at some point.

I'm ready to start writing again, but there's one problem: I think I've forgotten the little facts about the OG KOTLC series that was shaping this story up- so that means I'll have to read through every book... again.

It's my first week on summer break though, so maybe I'll get around to at least relearning the recents! I also kind of have to remember the plan I had for the next chapter after leaving you guys on a cliffhanger like that. Not a responsible move for an author, I know! (And I'm sorry.)

I guess what made me come back to this was the sudden urge to write again. Original stories are hard to come up with and in the past year my mental health has been crashing on and off again. I personally read a lot of fanfictions, so writing them carefree is definitely something I want to expand on, for you all and myself.

I opened up this story again and I briefly looked through the comments on the chapters. I just wanted to say thank you so much. For everything. All of your words of encouragement and seeing you guys enjoy this tiny lil' ripoff story so far is such an ego booster. I really want to finish this for you guys, even if Book 9 will be out in a few short months.

It may not be as long as I intended, but here we go again.

I promise I'll try to update as soon as I can. I'll leave you all in the loop as to where I am.

Thank you so much again.

All the love in the world to you all! Happy summer!

-Nabs :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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