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It was positive.

She knew there was still time to have an abortion. Although the situation these days meant that it was not as easy as before and aunt Alessa was not qualified to do it, she supposed that her mother could pull some strings to make it possible. However, she couldn't do it... she didn't want to.

Hayleen had always wanted to be a mother young and have such a good relationship with her baby as that of her with Ladena. She had been struggling to accept that this would never happen, since only they could be the parents of her children and she would not allow that to happen. Now that it had happened, she couldn't imagine taking this opportunity away. She didn't care how young she was, she knew she was more than capable of doing it.

Ladena seemed to already know what her daughter would decide and did not seem disappointed by her decision. The hardest thing would be facing the others. There was no way to hide this baby and no one could know who the father was so they would have to find a backup history.

They hid it from her father for as long as they could without knowing how to explain who had touched her and made her pregnant. Finally the answer came in the form of the son of a friend of Ladena.

They used to live in the same compound as them but had moved a few months ago to join an organization that helped people who opposed or were harmed by WITCHED, and had recently learned that the teenager had contracted the Flare from a leak in the facility. While the whole situation was unfortunate, it was not uncommon these days and times were perfect for her story.

She called her father to tell him and although he seemed disappointed and concerned that his image would be tarnished, he did not say much because he did not want to see himself as a bad father who did not support his daughter. Of course, he couldn't help but ask who the baby's father was and Hayleen explained that she had fallen in love with a neighbor but he had moved and contracted the virus, breaking her heart. It was a lie but her father did not know her well enough and did not know that she was only capable of loving them. The important thing is that her father believed her and did not mention anything else about the subject, knowing that the boy would not be able to take charge of what had happened nor would he be close to his daughter who was not immune.

So that Hayleen continued her pregnancy with the support of their parents and even saw her body change, reminding all the time who had done that to happen, she do not really hated her body for betraying her and bring a part of him inside her. She loved that baby and couldn't wait to hold him in her arms. She kept wondering what he would be like, did he have his eyes or hers? Maybe he was such a perfect mix of the two that it was totally unrecognizable from who was what. She really hoped it wasn't a miniature copy of Gally, it wouldn't help her at all if that happened.

The best thing about that situation was that with the start of the trials the main reasons for being isolated were no longer a problem. Three of her soulmates were locked in the maze with no way out at the moment and Thomas was very busy with testing and directing WICKED.

Lyn had allowed herself some freedoms she had never been able to and had made her father happy. She began to visit him more in the barracks during her pregnancy and participated in one of the gala parties organized by the organization for the happiness of her father. Thomas, he had claimed, never attended one of those. The truth is that she enjoyed it quite a bit. She could dance and she could never do it, she didn't even care that Randall disappeared for another urgent meeting. It suited her because neither parent of her soulmates had ever met her.

It had already been a year and three months since Seth was born and it was the first time that she would attend a public place with him, at the insistence of her father. He was a proud grandfather and although he was embarrassed by the circumstances of the conception, he wanted to show the world his grandson. He had tried multiple times to convince her how important it was for influential people to know them, but he had never succeeded. The only reason she had finally agreed to go to this party was because she was sick of hearing his complaints and hints. The man was persistent, of that there was no doubt.

Since the incident, that's what they had decided to call it, she had made sure to keep the marks hidden with some kind of band-aid that Alessa had given her. She didn't take off her scarf either, but now she felt more protected with that underneath.

Hayleen had decided that the best thing for tonight was to wear a black dress. She really would have liked to wear red or blue, which were the colors that suited her best along with black, but she thought it would attract too much attention. She finished using a mermaid black long dress witch a large neckline which showed all his back, just covering from above the rear. She accessorized it with silver shoes and jewelry to match the slightly sheer, sparkly silver scarf that covered her neck and collarbone. Randall didn't understand why she always wore those damn things but he didn't consider himself capable enough to criticize women's fashions and their insanity.

She deciden to put Seth only elegant black pants with a black shirt so that he could be comfortable. The baby had ended up being a mix of the two thankfully. However, he had many of Gally's features and his eyes were certainly not brown like her. He looked more like him than her but he was perfect and Lyn loved him with all her heart, so much that sometimes she felt like she was going to explode... or kiss him, whichever came first.

This is how she ended up with a baby in her arms walking towards the entrance of the party organized by WICKED. Flustered by the stares she was getting, she tucked her wavy hair behind her ear and took another step with her leg sticking out of the large slit in the side of her dress. As the young mother nervously approached the doors, Seth looked in utter amazement at everything around him. The poor kid did not go out often and was not used to seeing so much movement near him. She could have let him walk but she was afraid that he would run away and lose him among people, the little demon was quite fast when he wanted to. Plus she really needed to hug him and breathe in his reassuring scent to survive the night with so many glances on her.

While Hayleen was looking for her father to notify him of his arrival and to endure a round of introductions that she really did not want to endure, Randall had already arrived at the party and was heading towards a certain group of equals (and enemies) who were chatting together and drinking. It was easy to see how jealous he was that they were the parents of those four very important children. He found it demeaning that someone as powerful as he hadn't had a child with Ladena who was part of that select group.

-Gentlemen, ladies -he greeted, bowing his head as a sign of respect.

-Oh Randall, buddy. We were wondering how you would get there -he was greeted with a smile by Mr. McAvoy whose eyes looked even smaller when he smiled due to his Asian ancestry. His wife Katie McAvoy had been Randall's co-worker and had voted in favor of releasing the virus, more specifically (and unofficially) it had been her idea.

-I'm sorry for being late. You know how it is on this day of the month when a new child enters into the maze, although I see that you, Minister Paige, did manage to arrive on time. Flawless as always.

-Thanks Randall. As flattering as ever. In fact, we were talking about you just before you arrived.

-Oh yeah? Can I know what it was about? -he asked trying to hide his curiosity, it was best not to give it importance or it could be used against him.

-Of course, dear -replied the recently widowed Mrs. Anderson, whose husband, former Minister Anderson, was a stark and conspicuous absence from the group-. We heard that your daughter was attending today... with your grandson.

-It's true. I finally convinced her to make an appearance so I can introduce her and Seth.

-Oh, how wonderful. And is the father coming? -AD Janson asked with a wicked smile.

-Regrettably the first love of my daughter now is a Cranck so it is not... possible for him to be here present-replied through gritted teeth not to show how sensitive was the issue for him but was saved to continue the conversation when he caught a glimpse of Lyn looking for him-. Oh, there is my daughter -he said calling her and motioning for her to come closer-. This is my heiress Hayleen and her son Seth. Girl, these are my friends, the parents of those very important boys that I told you about.

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