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Their embrace was interrupted by a knock on the door. Hayleen went to the bathroom and wiped away her remaining tears as Rachel went to open the door.

-It's Teresa -she informed her, rolling her eyes-. She says she wants to show you something.

-I guess it's time to go, then. See you tomorrow at the same time? I don't think I can have dinner with you again but we can hang out together.

-Of course, you are always welcome here, you should know that by now!

Teresa was waiting for her at the entrance with a smile. It was common for her, Aris or Thomas to show up to take her somewhere else; they didn't seem to trust Rachel enough to leave them alone for too long.

- Ava asked me to tell you that Seth behaviour was excellent as always and he fell asleep fastly after finishing eating. She left him sleeping in his crib, don't worry, and she said she can stay there a while longer until you or Thomas come back in case he wakes up -she informed her, motioning for her to follow her.

-I should go back to the apartment, Teresa. It's late and Ava must be so tired, where are we going?

-You will see. We won't be long. Also Thomas just spoke to me with our telepathic bond and he is finishing eating so he will be there soon. You'll be with him and Seth so soon that Thomas won't even realize we went elsewhere.

-I would still like to know where you are taking me -she complained.

They were heading toward a heavily guarded area that Hayleen had never visited. Lyn followed alert because she really had no idea where Teresa might be taking her or what she wanted to show her.

-By the way, I already got the results of the analysis that they performed on you today. I didn't say anything to Thomas yet because I wanted to give you a chance to tell him. You are pregnant! -she exclaimed excitedly, making Hayleen stop walking-. Confirmed, 100% positive -she added, also stopping and looking at her.

Lyn knew this was going to happen, even though she had tried to fool herself by telling herself it wouldn't. If it hadn't been the first time they'd had sex, which she was sure she'd gotten pregnant that time, it was the result of any of the thousands of other times Thomas had fucked her without protection; he couldn't seem to get his hands off her.

Her hands began to tremble and she slowly brought one to her belly; there was still nothing that at first glance showed that she had a life inside her but she would swear she could already feel it. Unable to contain herself, she smiled excitedly and a tear slid down her cheek.

She knew that she must be anguished because it was one step closer to her destiny and sooner or later she would have to leave WICKED, which meant that she would relive her first pregnancy; it seemed that she was never moving in the right direction, again she would have to see her body change knowing what that meant and she would have to go through the pregnancy away from her soul mate. The baby only made it more urgent and obvious that she had to find a quick way out of WICKED. However, Hayleen couldn't help but be happy for the life inside her; he was just over a week old but she already loved him madly and couldn't wait to see when he was born to meet him.

The problem was, she would have to tell Thomas and she really didn't want to; he knowing only made things even more difficult. However, she would have to tell him; she had no choice. If she didn't tell him, Teresa would or even someone from WICKED might.

Of something Hayleen was sure, she would find a way to tell him as late as possible and hopefully she would manage to escape from this place before being forced to inform him.

Destiny | Gally ~ Newt ~ Minho ~ ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now