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Newt glanced at the doors leading to the maze and scanned the sky again. There seemed to be a short time before they closed and Minho and Thomas had yet to appear. Although it wasn't something he was really worried about at the moment, due to his trust in the two of them, he couldn't help but patrol every few minutes the entrance to the area his friends were supposed to return through.

He wandered watching over the Gladers and talking to some of them while helping them in their work; Newt used to help out in the Gardens, but sometimes he liked to hang out in other places to mingle with others. While some were quite angry and worried about the arrival of someone so young, most seemed to be quite calm after what happened that morning. However, no one seemed to be able to stop talking about it.

He was about to leave the Blood House when the Box's booming alarm began to sound once more. For a second Newt's foot was suspended in the air but he quickly recovered from his daze and hurried towards the center of the Glade, ignoring the worried look Winston gave him.

If it was already abnormal for a baby to arrive, and only fifteen days after Thomas, it was an extraordinary fact that two newbies arrived on the same day. In the place where they lived, changes could lead to unpredictable consequences that could undoubtedly be very negative for everyone; it made him think about how Gally was handling the situation because, knowing him, his reaction would not be very peaceful.

When he arrived at the Box with Winston on his heels, most of them were already there. Everyone was arguing excitedly without being able to stop looking at each other concerned and casting suspicious glances at the strange forklift. Gally was standing right next to the Box, his arms crossed and his brow furrowed, and he kept staring at it intensely, as if he could discover what was happening and the creators' plans. Newt walked over to him and stood by his side as they waited so they could open the double metal door that was leaning against the floor.

The usual thud that accompanied the arrival of the Box made itself heard and everyone rushed to open it. All they could hear was the metallic squeak of the doors opening; the newbie did not appear to be yelling, and no one of the Gladers seemed to be able to speak while waiting for the verdict.

Alby leaned in to get a better look and stiffened even more than before when he finally got to see the newbie.

-What is? -Newt asked him as he moved a little closer with the intention of crouching down and looking at the newcomer.

-Another baby? -Gally consulted with a frown, following in Newt's footsteps.

-The newbie is unconscious -he informed them, without answering their questions-. Gally, I want you to bring the ropes while Newt watches the others. This can get out of control very quickly -he whispered to them and jumped into the Box, leaving them no time to argue.

Gally began giving orders so they could get the newbie up on the ropes while Newt focused on the Gladers, who had begun to get excited at the lack of responses.

-Jeff, Alby said the greenie has passed out so stay close -Newt ordered the only available Med-Jack.

Finally, the body got out of the Box and the moment in which the Gladers could have a clear view of the newbie, chaos erupted in the Glade.

-It's a girl! -exclaimed a surprised one.

-A girl?

-I got dibs!

Destiny | Gally ~ Newt ~ Minho ~ ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now