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      Hi. So I know most of you won't read this because its not actually a scenario but its all oki. So I started this book years ago with just the intent to make something fresh and new but also because I loved homestuck and I wanted to make something people would enjoy. I am amazed at how far its come and how many people still enjoy it. Homestuck ended years ago so I was always concerned that it would slowly decrease but its following is still very strong and I'm proud of that. I want to take this moment amd thank everyone that reads this book. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart I love all of you. You fueled me to keep going with this even if I thought it was a bad book. I mean its not a masterpiece but its a place for people to enjoy their favorite characters and possibly laugh or get into the scenario. Its funny to see the comments that people put of how they would handle the scenarios.
      Now onto the next thing. I obviously am not updating this book like I used to. That's kind obviously and I'm sorry about it. However I think I'll pick this back up again and pump out more scenarios. Now that might mean that some, or most, of them won't be quality or good but they should still fit right in with the others. My goal is to try and make them longer then they used to be. Not that short scenarios are bad but I feel you can get more enjoyment from reading a actual longer scenario and given details and shiz.
     The last thing is that I am open for any questions or requests for scenarios. I will answer about everything and anything at this point so please don't be afraid to ask or request. Anyway hope you all enjoyed this talk and have a good day 😁

Homestuck boyfriend/girlfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now