When you play night in the woods

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He played the entire game in one day. He screamed,argued, and cried in the end. He got so emotional.

She thought it was a boring game up until the end."Is that a cult" she asked you. You shrugged.

He laughed and cried. It was kind of like he bonded with it. He liked the ending and felt like it should have been longer.

Sollux barely got through the first few seconds before he stopped. Apparently it wasn't 'entertaining' he stated. You knew it was because he saw a YouTube play it and he cried.

She thought it was going tot be a happy game with cute animals. Ha ha welp she's in for a surprise.

She commented on there cloths so much that you unplugged the computer.

She loved the fact that Gregg was Fay for Angus she thought it reminded her of you guys.

She wanted to steal a pretzel from the store but you told her she was couldn't do it. She she got up and 'bought'(*cough**Cough* steal*cough**cough*) and said"I can do almost anything" she stated while grinning.

You thought that Angus was awesome. The quiet yet strong type. You thought it was like him. Minus the gay part.

He cried when it ended."Y/n mAkE ThE GaMe dEvElOpErS MaKe a sEcAnD OnE" he begged."sorry I can't" you replied back. He kept sobbing.

You saw how good Mae's friends were and cried."Wwhy can't I get friends like them" he sobbed. You sighed."Then get off my leg and go make some" you answered.

Feferi and you both got a lot of pizza and donuts and had a party with both of her moirail and yours.

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