q&a part 1

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lunathewolfgirl11 asks he what my favorite troll was.

My favorite troll is Equius since he is my zodiac troll.

SuperFanGirl21474 asked me my favorite female troll and human and my favorite male troll and human.

My favorite female troll is Vriska and my favorite female human is Roxy
Now my favorite guy troll is again Equius and my favorite male human is Dirk.

InSaNiTysPrEy asks if I could go on a date with anyone other then eq and dirk then who would it be.

I'd go on a date with gamzee because i know he won't judge me for being human or yell at me for god nows what and also he seems sweet when he's not sober.

ThisAccountIsntAlone asked what is "spooning"?
It says on Google that(of two people) behave in an amorous way; kiss and cuddle

answered if you comment and i will answer ad they come thxヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

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