Unbreakable Friendship

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Unbreakable Friendship 2/24/11

Can’t believe I’m lucky enough to have these girls as my best friends

They taught me the real meaning of the word ‘friend’

We all have our own different personalities and opinions

Our own individuality and thoughts that created our little circle

One is sweet, understanding and kind to everyone she knows

One who can relate to you even though you’re total opposites

One is an incredible artist who never fails to surprise me with her works

One who’s always flippant yet caring and loves to have fun

One is a nerd who loves math since birth, got every equation memorized

One who’s easy to talk to with pure sincerity

One is sporty and loves to take on any challenge

The people who accepts you for who you are, every single aspect of your being

Whether it’s tons of negative or tons of positive

Never to judge you unless it’s just a frivolous joke

The ones I could trust with my whole heart, without any hesitation

She tells you the truth even though it hurts, because you can never lie to each other

Laughs with you, cries with you, never leaving your side until the very end

They will never leave your side no matter what happens

I can’t imagine what my awesome life would be like without them

From crazy conversations, hilarious jokes and witty puns

They make every second count as the years pass by

I hope we could remember every single moment that we spent together

From every ridiculous pictorial poses and insane videos

Please remember that I’ll always love you gals forever

Our petty little picnics under that old oak tree…

As graduation comes closer and closer…

Please promise me that we’ll never forget…

This unbreakable friendship that we’ve spent together…


Author's Note: Inspired by my friend's poem "A friend" by: janelvalle ! :')

Graduation is near for us! Can't believe 4 years could go by soooo fast! :(( college life is entering! huhuhu... i'm gonna miss my besties to miuch!

So watcha think? good? bad? horrible? sucks? awesome? chocolates?!

don't forget to vote and give feed back! :) i wanna know if you liked it ^^

thanks so much for your time reading my poem :) it means alot! <3 love ya reader! \m/

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