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  • Dedicated to Gie Nicolas Flores


You were always there for me, through every part of my life

Raising us with the best way you can

An awesome role model and a faithful wife

I could always depend on you

As I grow, I wonder who I'll be

I was filled with wishes and dreams

Your encouragement made me sure they'll come true

Even though I was filled with doubts

Your words made me dauntless to believe

You're the first person I could turn to

When I have problems that I can't handle

Troubles that I need to confess

Mistakes that I'll always regret

Nightmares at that I can't evade

People that I wish I never met

When I talk to you all of that begins to fade

The storm in my chest dissipates

How do you manage to do it all?

Strong enough to fight for yourself and also us

But still be our gentle caring mom

Your love for us is unmatchable

Nobody can love me like the way you do

Sorry for all the mischief I made

The affects of my recklessness

And how ignorant I am to appreciate everything you've done

Sorry for the times I always forget

But now you taught me the difference of right and wrong

Now I know how to avoid making these mistakes

I'm so thankful for everything you've done for me

Without you, I won't be who I am

I won't be able to make poems like this

I won't be able to find these talents that I thought I never had

And I didn't know if you knew

So I'm taking this chance to say

That I love you mom...

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