Wondering Artist

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  • Dedicated to Janel Valle


You’re so imaginative and aloof

Your creativity is unmatchable

Your talents never fail to amaze

No one can ever understand how your brilliant mind works

You’re so spontaneous and unexpected

You always surprise me with everything you do

From randomness to tremendous master pieces

You taught me how to actually enjoy life

To balance it all out

Through little nonsense, we laugh uncontrollably

We share a lot of things that we loved

You helped me extend my imagination

Everything I think of, shouldn’t just be inside the box

You avoid all the hindrances and ignored all the rules

To make such wonderful works of art

You showed me how to draw my own path of life


Author's Note: This one is dedicated to my creative bestie! Janel! :* Her drawings are awesome! you should check them out in her deviantart at www.deviantart.com and her name there is janelvalle ^^

A tribute to her for being an awesome friend!

so watcha think?

awesome? good? bad? sucks? chocolates?!

don't forget to leave your comments that i love! critism or praise! i will always appreciate it!

thanks for your time in reading this! 

don't forget to vote if you like it ^^

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