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High school is now my old life

Nothing but a fading memory of my past

A shadow that follows me wherever I go

Something that I never want to erase

Friends that I never want to let go

Happiness of being young that I never want to end

But I know this day would come

There’s no way that I could stop this time of separation

The moment of countless faces burned in sadness caused by grief

But life has to move on to the next step

Please never forget everything that we’ve been through

All those ecstatic laughter, insane ideas and crazy things we did

Those impossible problems that we’ve battled

Enemies that we need to forgive and forget

Experiences that are definitely worth reminiscing

Every single day that we spent together that we called boring

Is special in its own way, because we were together

I love you guys and girls forever

Goodbye, till our paths cross again someday...


Author's Note: Awww 5 days to go till graduation :'(

I'm gonna miss everything. From teachers to the canteen to the cranky canteen guy to the airconditioned library to the vast quadrangle to the scorching hot gym to the comfortable airconditioned home that i call our classroom to the boring lessons to the fun events to the amazing bonding moments to the cry fest nights to my annoying crushes to the awesome conversations and ofcourse my friends who were always by my side through it all...

i love my batch of 2010-2011 graduates of seniors of SMCQC! 

But now it's time to bid my last farewell and take the next step in the ladder of success.

College awaits me, i'm now going to San Beda :D Hope to meet true friends and have more fun at this university. 

So watcha think? good? bad? sucks? awesome? chocolates?

please tell me watcha say by commenting below ^^ i would really appreciate anything that u will say, i pray ur not lazy enough to not comment. Vote too if u think my poem deserves it!

love ya for reading! thanks so much :)

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