Dauntless Angel

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  • Dedicated to Danarica Pablo


My most virtuous friend

The pride yet humble person who can balance them both

You’re the type of friend, who I could never forget

You’re always there when I needed you

Our confidence because even though all of us are falling

Your always there to get us back on our feet

You strive through hard work and determination

You taught me to at least give some effort

Cause I can’t get through everything with just luck

You’re the most faithful, ready to give us hope in our darkest days

And I’m sorry for being ignorant and selfish

To appreciate everything you’ve done

While the rest of us already gave up

You’re the only one standing

Prepared to take on the problems with such valor

Your honesty is pure and you focuse on the real importance of life

Thank God I found a best friend like you! 


Author's Note: I made a poem for my bestie Dana :3 So it's dedicated to her! 

Thanks for being a great best friend Dana <3 love you forever! :*

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