Captivating Devil

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  • Dedicated to Melissa Fernandez


Out of all the people in the world

You're the only one who knows everything about me

You can read my mind like a child's popup book

Who I could be the real me with

The one who has my complete trust

We sometimes think alike even though we're completely opposite

Memorize all my dark secrets

We're both writer's trying to figure out life

We face everything together and fight side by side

You motivated me to achieve my awesome goals in my life

Even through all the heart breaking chaos our malevolent triangle has brought

Never forget our friendship that is forever unbreakable


Author's Note: I made a poem for my "bestest" friend in the world! Melissa021 is her wattpad account and she's also a writer! with her awesome rhyming poems and i went through mostly ALL of my inspirations with her :)

what do you think?

good? bad? horrible? sucks? chocolates? cookies? awesome?

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thanks for reading! <3

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