Cold Heaven

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Vicious snow balls flung through the air

Some even messed up my hair

I slapped your face with my freezing hands

The fun we had was unbelievably grand

We made a game of catching so-called snow that fell from the ceiling

We took a video of your boisterous and idiotic singing

We had epic ice skating races where I always won

With all the wacky pictorial poses that we’ve done

We had silent moments skating around the ice

Every sensation I felt was nice

We literally danced the swing together while wearing skates

Stupid jokes that we all laughed at as you dictate

Insane emotions consumed my chest

I felt the bad vibes being released with every word that you confessed

No doubt that I’m with my friends in this cold heaven

A blissful dream that I never want to be awaken

A day definitely worth the appreciation

After all these expressed emotions

A memory that I’m proud to scream out to the world!


Author's Note: Yay! my experience at J22 ;) i love this date so much that 22 is now my favorite number! This day shall be added in my story "Trapped in a tempestuous love triangle" soon :D

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