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note: Ginny, Luna, Neville and William are in their 4th year and Elizabeth, Draco, Harry etc. are in their 7th 🥰 also Lily Potter is not dead but James is. Draco is Elizabeth's cousin ✌🏼and Elizabeth and Will took their mother's surname because the Black family insisted. Additionally, Harry defeated Voldemort but some Death Eaters still exist (for a purpose 🙃)

'Father it's my 7th year. I already know what to do and if we don't hurry we will be late.' Elizabeth protested his father. 'Elizabeth, William come on.' Their mother Andromeda shouted from the front door downstairs.

'Andromeda dear I'll se you in an hour.' Said Remus kissing her wife and trying to get the children out. 'Bye mum.' Called Ella and Will hugging their mother and holding their father's hand.

They were in King's Cross Station. 'I will miss you my babies.' Said Remus. 'Father, we are not your babies.' Said Elizabeth a little embarrassed that her father was acting like she was a child. 'But you always will be wether you like it or not.' Said Remus winking at his children. 'Bye father.' Ella and Will said getting in the Hogwarts Express. 'Write to me.' Their father said, two tears running down his caramel eyes. Remus never got used to his children leaving every year for school. He always missed them.

Ella was Head Girl of Slytherin house so she left her little brother with his friends and got into her private compartment which she unfortunately shared with Head Boy ,Draco Idiot Malfoy. 'Hello, Draco.' Said Elizabeth. 'Hey beautiful. How was your summer?' Said Draco. 'Fine and your's?' She asked. 'Great. Father, mother and I travelled to Milan and then Gree-' without even finishing his sentence 'Wow, great Draco but now I must go and check if everyone is settled.' Said Ella. 'Yeah right.' Replied Draco.

Elizabeth wandered into compartments and she finally came across her brother's. Will was starting his 4th year. He was sitting with Ginny, Luna and Neville. They were best friends and tho Elizabeth was in Slytherin, Will was in Gryffindor. 'Well hello brother.' She said, ruffling Will's hair. 'Sissy. I missed you.' He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. 'You know sometimes I really think you have Slytherin blood in you.' She laughed and before leaving she said : 'Oh and Ginny, Will kinda fancies you' winking. Ginny blushed and Will was very embarrassed. He gave his sister a death stare.

They got off the train and Harry approached Elizabeth. 'Hey Elizabeth. Care to walk with me?' Asked Harry. 'Yeah sure Harry'. She replied and they started walking. Finally they got off the carriages and got separated. Harry fancied Ella since their first year but Elizabeth liked him only as a friend, nothing more.

THE WHISPER OF LOVEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें