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'Will, I promise to be with you till the rest of my life. No matter what, I'll always be there. I promise I will always take care of you. I'll never let you feel as if something is missing.' Elizabeth whispered into her brother's ear. Will nodded, his green eyes filling with tears once again. 'I am so sorry about your loss. Elizabeth, until you turn 18 Sirius Black will be your guardian. When you turn 18 you will be the one to take care of William till he turns 18.' said Dumbledore.

'Lilibet, Will if you need anything just floo call, I will come immediately. Also, never cry. Your father and mother would hate to see you crying, OK?' said Sirius when he was about to leave. 'OK. See you later Sus.' Elizabeth's mood was so down but she tried to look strong for Will. 'S-see you l-later Sirius.' Will couldn't help his tears. Sirius hugged them both and Apparated.

'I miss them already. What will I do if I can't stand their loss for one hour?' Will was mentally broken. 'Will look at me. This news is fresh and this phrase is probably going to trouble us the most. We both will miss them undoubtedly however the pain will relent and we both will be happier.' she pulled her brother closer. 'I didn't want the baby. It is my fault.' Will now burst into tears. 'It is NOT your fault. It is the Death Eater's fault. Never ever blame yourself again, do you understand?'

It was getting dark. Elizabeth and William were sitting in front of the Black Lake for hours now. After a few minutes, a black figure appeared. Elizabeth felt someone's presence and turned to see it was Professor Snape. 'Elizabeth, it is getting late and extremely cold. You should take Mr Black and go inside. 'Yes you're right. But first I must ask something.' Snape nodded. 'Do you know which Death Eaters broke into our house and k-killed my parents?' her voice shook a little. Snape felt sorry for the girl. 'I believe one was, uh your aunt Bellatrix.' he felt very uncomfortable explaining this. Elizabeth's eyes were starting to tear up but she held them back. She knew her mother and her sisters didn't get on well because Bellatrix and Narcissa (not any more) believed she was a traitor. 'We should go inside. Good night Severus.' 'Elizabeth you could talk to me whenever you want to, OK?' 'I know and I'm so grateful to have you.'

Elizabeth was dreaming of her parents. It was a peaceful dream until something frightening happened. Bellatrix appeared in her dream. 'You are the reason we came to kill your parents. Hand yourself and no one else gets hurt. Come to me! Come to me! Come to me!' Elizabeth woke up. Her nightmare felt so real. What if she was the reason? Why were they looking for her? She couldn't handle this anymore. She gently closed the door behind. Elizabeth wandered the corridors to distract herself when she heard a noise from behind a door next to her. She opened the bathroom's door. Oh. It was only Myrtle, she thought. She went in the bathroom thinking it may distract her. Elizabeth stepped on something solid and tripped. She noticed it was a blade. She stared at her for a several moments when Bellatrix invaded her thoughts again. You are the reason they are dead! It's all because of you. Yes, it was all her fault. She took the blade and started cutting her arms. She never tried self harming but it felt so familiar. Every line eased the pain. One by one, the cuts got deeper. It is because of you Elizabeth. You are a shame to the family. You are worthless and stupid and weak. Elizabeth couldn't take it anymore. Green flames started circling her. Was she doing this? Her feelings, the anger, sorrow blasted and the ground shook. She fell on the floor. Her cuts started healing themselves and a small piece of her hair turned to white from jet black.

'Miss Black?! What happened here?' Professor McGonagall exclaimed. Professors Snape, Dumbledore and Flitwick appeared behind her. The professors felt the shake and searched the castle. They found Elizabeth in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, surrounded by green flames, her in the middle lying unconscious on the floor. 'Someone get Madam Pomfrey quick!' shouted Dumbledore.

'This is extraordinary and powerful magic. Her vitals are stable and there is nothing to explain why she is unconscious or why some strings of her black hair transformed into white.' Madam Pompfrey sounded extremely worried. She was drifting around the Hospital Wing, checking every single bottle or medicine on shelves and drawers. 'Dis you say her hair turned white?' asked Dumbledore, keeping his calm voice. 'Yes. Take a look.' Dumbledore examined Elizabeth's hair. 'Oh no. This cannot be possible. This is indeed impossible!' Dumbledore turned pale and he drifted deep into thought. 'What is it Headmaster?' asked Snape now starting to get worried. 'I will tell you when I am completely sure.' added the Headmaster. He grabbed a pair of scissors on a nearby stand. Dumbledore attempted to cut a piece of the girl's hair but her hair didn't allow it. It put a sort of shield in it's front. Dumbledore's face turned even paler. He took the knife on the fruit bowl and ventures cutting her skin. 'Are you mad Albus?! Why are you cutting the girl?' Minerva asked thunderstruck. 'I am running some tests Minerva. Don't worry. I know what I'm doing.' and he cut Elizabeth's arm. As soon as the wound started bleeding, it healed itself. 'Oh. Now I am completely sure. Minerva, Severus follow me and Severus carry the girl to my office please.' and the three professors left the infirmary.

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