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Elizabeth was sat in Slytherin table, eating her food. She was very popular and had a lot of friends but she preferred being alone.

Elizabeth felt two cold eyes on her. She raised her head and saw Snape staring at her. Elizabeth blushed and looked away, a small smile curving her lips. At the high table, Snape also smiled and oh god she is hot when she blushes. What is wrong with you man? She is your student, this is so inappropriate. But she is adorable. He thought to himself.

The feast was over and as Head Girl, Elizabeth had the duty of wandering the corridors to make sure no one is past curfew.

She told a few 4th years to go to their common rooms and she showed 1st year Slytherins the way to the dungeons. When she was in the dungeons, returning to her private Head Girl chambers she hit something solid and fell down, hitting her head to the wall. 'I am so so so sorry.' She said and looked up to see the person who she bumped into was none other than Proffesor Snape. 'There is no need to worry but be careful Miss Black.' He said helping her up. Elizabeth said good night to her professor and left to go outside rather than her chambers.

Once she was sitting by the Black Lake, she thought about Snape. He is so hot. Geez, what am I thinking. But his voice aghh. It sends shivers down my spine.. she thought not noticing the black figure behind her. 'Miss. You should go up to your chambers. It is indeed cold.' Said Snape. 'Oh, were you here Sir? Yes,yes I'll be going now. Again, good night Sir.' She said but Snape held her hand and pulled her back. 'I will escort you Miss.'

They were in front of Elizabeth's chambers. She opened the door with a simple 'Alohamora' and got in asking 'Would you like to come in Sir? I won't sleep now. We could have some tea.' She offered. Snape accepted her offer and got inside. 'You're taste is simple yet so amazing.' Complained Snape. Elizabeth blushed. 'Thanks Sir. It's nice to hear a compliment from you.'

They were settled in Elizabeth's sofa. Drinking their teas, they talked about potions. 'When I finish Hogwarts I would love to become a Potions Mistress.' Elizabeth said. 'But probably my father would want me to become an Auror.' 'You have pure talent Miss Black. I highly doubt that your father would be stupid enough to ignore this talent of yours.' Elizabeth blushed again. She smiled and poured another cup of tea to herself and her Proffesor.

'Miss Black I must leave now. It is way past cur-' he looked to the side and saw Elizabeth already drifted to a dreamless sleep. He picked her up and carried her to her bed. Severus gently laid Elizabeth down and put a blanket on her. 'Goodnight Elizabeth' he said, kissing the young girl's forehead.

How do you like it so far. How am I doing? & this is my first book so I am an amateur. Anyway, hope you enjoyy!

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