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It was a cold Monday. It had been 2 weeks since the 'sex' happened between Severus and Lily. He sent her, saying it wasn't right fir them to be together. Elizabeth was in teacher-student terms with Severus. She wouldn't look at him and run from every possible contact with him.

'Good morning. Today we are not doing a Potions lesson but learning how to dance.' said Snape in a monotonous voice. Everyone's expressions turned to shocked and excited from bored. 'Professor, why are we exactly having dance classes and with you?' asked Pansy Parkinson. 'Miss Parkinson I don't intend to teach you dancing but the Headmaster insisted. I am going to teach you because there is a spring ball next week.' the girls squealed and they were so overjoyed except for Elizabeth. She looked rather unimpressed and like her time was being spent uselessly. Snape stared at her playing with her nails and leaning against a wall in the far corner. She had been like this for two weeks. She didn't enjoy anything and felt as tough everything was meaningless. 'Boys and girls find a match and those who are lonely will have to be put into partners by me.' sneered Snape, clearly hating the position he was currently in.

Blaise and Harry both approached Elizabeth. They gave each other death stares. Snape was watching the scene very carefully. 'Potter. I think Padma would love to pair with you.' said Blaise and Harry knew he wouldn't stand a chance so he left. 'Hey Elizabeth.' said Blaise with a warm and friendly smile. Elizabeth looked up. 'Hi!' she gave a smile as well. 'Would you like to pair with me?' asked Blaise shyly. 'Sure.' she said and they moved to the empty room. Almost everyone found their partners and started dancing. Elizabeth was a really good dancer. There were a lot of balls held in their home when her parents were alive.

'You dance really good Elizabeth. Flawless.' Blaise seemed impressed. 'Thanks. I like dancing. It makes me feel free.' then Snape approached the dancing couple. 'Miss Black I think your dancing skills are very poor. I will teach you. Mr Blaise, if you would find yourself another partner.' he said. 'I think Elizabeth is a great dancer Professor.' said Blaise protectively. 'That decision isn't your's to make.' spat Snape and Blaise gave an apologetic smile to Elizabeth before he left. Snape put his hand on Elizabeth's waist and pulled her closer. She shyly put one hand on his shoulder and Snape gently grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. Elizabeth couldn't help but blushed and Snape smiled at this. They slowly started swaying to the dance. 'I don't understand Sir. I think my dancing skills are highly skilled.' she said, for the first time looking into his eyes in two weeks. 'Elizabeth I am sorry.' he said. 'For everything I did. For leaving you for Lily and going out with her when we had our own plan.' he said. 'And for sleeping with her?' she asked uncomfortably. Snape was shocked. 'Where do you-' 'Harry saw you two doing it and well I comforted him.' 'Elizabeth I am so sorry. I was extremely drunk. It will never happen again.' she smiled at him. 'I'm not your girlfriend so you don't owe me an explanation. If you like her you must be with her. Don't worry about me.' Snape was heartbroken when she said she wasn't his girlfriend. Of course she wasn't because he never asked. He smirked at his thought and collected his courage. 'Then would you like to be?' Elizabeth was stupefied. Of course she would like to be his girlfriend. She had a crush on him since she was in her third year and this year her feelings grew tremendously. 'Yes! Yes I would.' she whisper yelled. Snape was so happy.

'Class dismissed. Miss Black you stay.' called Snape. Elizabeth stood in front of his desk and everyone left, closing the door behind. Snape pulled her to himself and their lips met. It was a soft first kiss. Elizabeth could feel Snape's salty cold lips. It felt so good. Then, the door burst open and both of them pushed themselves as far as they could. 'Severus. Hello.' said Lily. 'Hello.' he replied coldly. 'We must talk. It's very urgent.' 'Thanks fir the explanation Sir. Good day.' said Elizabeth and left miserably.

'Are you a hundred percent sure? What if there is a mistake?' asked Severus. 'There is no mistake. I took the test three times and I am a hundred percent pregnant.' replied Lily. Snape was horror struck. This was all his fault. 'You are the father and you deserved to know Severus. We will have a daughter and I won't raise her on my own.' said Lily. 'It is also my daughter so of course I won't let you raise her alone. I will be there for her.' he said. Lily smiled. 'I will get a marriage date.' added Snape. 'Oh Sev, I knew you wouldn't leave me- I mean us.' she said. 'Lily, this is not a marriage of love. I loved you when we were young but not anymore. This is for our daughter. I' m sorry I should go.' and he left.

Elizabeth was sitting under her favourite tree and reading a book in the cold winter- almost spring weather. Snape appeared next to her. 'Hi Severus. How did it go?' she looked up. 'Elizabeth I'm sorry. I will marry Lily.' he said. Elizabeth looked horror struck. 'She is carrying my child and I can't just leave them. I will never love Lily but I must look after my daughter.' Elizabeth's eyes filled with tears but she held them back. 'Yeah I understand. I'm sure you'll be a great father to the coming Miss Snape.' she stood up and gave a final sad smile at Severus and she left. Severus was very very sad and also angry at himself.

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