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Dumbledore mentioned the matter to Andromeda and Remus Lupin and told then to come to Hogwarts as fast as they can. Minerva was still holding Elizabeth in her motherly warm arms. Elizabeth was very anxious about her parents arriving. She was so embarrassed and the only thing she wanted to do was to go up to the Astronomy Tower and stay there for hours.

'Dumbledore, where is he?' the door burst open and Remus arrived, his wife next to him. As soon as Andromeda saw Elizabeth she hugged her and didn't let her see what was about to happen. Remus was furious and he strode towards Severus. He clenched his fist and he grabbed Snape's cloak firmly. 'How dare you touch my daughter! I've always knew you had bad intentions. First Lily now my daughter?! That won't happen. Do you understand?!' shouted Mr Lupin. Everyone was shocked. Clearly, he thought that the person who tried to screw his daughter was Severus. 'Father! Professor Snape didn't do anything! He rescued me. It was him.' Elizabeth pointed her finger to Lockhart finally meeting his gaze. She looked away as soon as their eyes met and she hugged her mother. Mr Lupin was befuddled at first but then he got even angrier. He now took his wand out of his pocket and directed it straight to Lockhart. 'You lewd! How dare you even look at her. I will kill you!' flames were flaring up from Remus's eyes. 'Remus. Calm down yourself. Take a seat and we should talk. Severus, take Miss Black with you.' said Dumbledore.

Snape brought Elizabeth to his private chambers. He offered Elizabeth a cup of tea. They sat in silence until Elizabeth spoke : 'Sir, I must thank you for finding me in that situation and putting a stop to it. I owe you.' her voice was cracky but clear enough for Severus to understand. 'It was my job Miss Black and you don't owe me. I care for you that is why I will always be there when you need me.' Elizabeth got closer to Professor Snape and hugged him. He immediately returned her hug. 'So we are kinda like friends now?' Elizabeth laughed. 'Well you could put it that way. We are friends.' Snape couldn't help but smile a little.

'The discussion is probably over now. I should leave Se- I mean Professor Snape.' said Elizabeth a bit embarrassed that the word 'Severus' was almost coming out of her mouth. 'It's alright. Now that we are friends you may call me Severus but only when we are alone.' he chuckled. Elizabeth blushed. 'Then you may call me Elizabeth, Severus.' she said. Snape loved the way his name came out of her tongue right away. 'Then let me escort you Elizabeth.'

When they arrived in front of the Headmaster's office, the wooden door opened. 'Dumbledore fired Gilderoy.' said Minerva feeling rather relieved by the resolution. Elizabeth couldn't help but feel good; she wouldn't have to see him again, she wouldn't have to listen to him again. 'Elizabeth dear, will you be alright?' asked Mrs Lupin. 'Yes mother, don't worry about me.' Elizabeth hugged both her mother and father.

6 weeks later

'Professor Binns's classes were always boring, even when I was a student here.' both Elizabeth and Severus laughed. 'Severus, you never talk about your past. I almost know nothing about you but you are my closest friend.' said Elizabeth. 'Well let's say I don't like talking about my past. It misers me.' Severus smiled at the beautiful girl before her. They were now very close. Every 2 days they would meet at Severus's classroom and talk. All of a sudden the door to Severus's classroom
opened. It was Professor McGonagall. 'Miss Black, Dumbledore calls you to his office urgently. Please follow me.' she had a pitiful look on her face. Severus was shocked almost as much as Elizabeth. 'What is the matter, Minerva?' he asked. 'Dumbledore will explain. He calls you as well.' she said.

'Come in please.' the Headmaster calmly said. They stood into the familiar room. But this time; Will, Sirius Black and a couple of more people that Elizabeth couldn't recognise were there. Elizabeth and Severus's confusion was now tripled. 'Elizabeth my girl, do sit down.' said Dumbledore pointing to a chair next to her brother. Will looked sorrowful like something terrible happened. Then, Dumbledore started talking. 'Elizabeth dear, unfortunately your parents passed away today.' there was a huge silence. Elizabeth's mind drifted, her stomach hurt and her vision got blurry. This surely was a joke. Her mother and father were hiding and any time soon they would come out of their hiding spots and shout 'surprise!', this couldn't possibly be real. Was she dreaming? 'Eliza-' 'Stop! I don't like this joke. You aren't serious. I- this can't be real.' now two droplets of salty water were running down her pale cheeks. 'I'm afraid it isn't.' said Dumbledore. 'H-how did it happen?' Elizabeth's voice was barely audible. 'Five Death Eaters broke into your house. They were probably searching for something but we don't know what it is yet. Your father woke up to a noise and was killed immediately. Your mother heard it, took her wand and made her way downstairs. She gave a courageous fight but she was one to five and she eventually lost her life with your father and unborn sister.' explained Dumbledore with a low and dejected voice. Elizabeth stood up and hugged her brother very very tight.

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