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Elizabeth woke up to see the time 6.30. She took a quick cold shower and got dressed into her uniforms. She put her hair into a braid and did a light coat of makeup. She made her way to the Great Hall for breakfast. 'Willy. Good morning.' She called to his brother. 'Oh hey sis. How's it going?' He asked. 'Well great. Would you like to sit with me in the Slytherin table, I missed you.' 'These are nice and unexpected words from you. Sure, I'll be glad.' The twi siblings made their way to the Slytherin table and they settled down. 'Hey, Elizabeth!' Said Blaise, pulling his plate a little left so he could be closer to Elizabeth. 'Hi Blaise, nice to see you!' Blaise smiled 'Who is this little Gryffindor?' 'Oh, that's my brother William. I insisted on him eating with me and he was too kind to accept.' Said Elizabeth. 'Oh alright. Hi Will. Which year are you in?' 'I'm in my 4th and surely you must be a 7th year?' 'Yes. That's quite correct.' They smiled and started eating their breakfast.

Elizabeth was drinking her pumpkin juice when she felt cold eyes looking at her. She turned her head and searched all the hall and finally she looked up at the high table and saw Proffesor Snape staring at her. She tried to hide her blush but was unsuccessful. She smiled at her professor when Will said 'Sis, who are ya staring at?' 'Oh, no one. Just spaced out a little. Sorry.'

It was the last period. Elizabeth made her way down to the dungeons. She was a little early because Proffesor Sprout dismissed them 10 minutes before. She thought she would get some work done in the Potions classroom and so she knocked on the door before opening it. 'Good afternoon Prof-' She was extremely shocked to see Will being scolded by none other than a very furious looking Professor Snape. They both turned their heads when they heard her voice. A single tear was dripping from Will's eye. 'Oh William.' Said Elizabeth, running to her brother. They hugged tight. 'What happened?' Elizabeth asked. 'Let me tell you what happened Miss Black. Your dear brother disturbed my class and as if it wasn't enough he got into a fight with a student from my own house.' Snapped Snape. 'No. Sister I swear I didn't. George started it and I defended myself.' Then he turned to Proffesor Snape. 'And Sir you only scolded me because I am a Gryffindor and you couldn't bare to see one of your precious Slytherins losing a fight to me therefore you chose to be unjust and punished ME instead of George.' Both Elizabeth and Snape were shocked to see Will standing up to Proffesor Snape. Then, Proffesor Snape's shocked face turned into a furious one. 'You dare speak to me like that young boy. You just brought yourself a year's detention. Congratulations Mr Black!' He shouted. Everyone was listening to then from the door. The students were too scared to come in. 'Oh I don't think so Sir. William is not that kind of person who would start a fight and disturb class. I am so proud of you brother for standing up to injustice and seeking your rights.' Elizabeth said very bravely. 'Miss Black. A year's detention for you as well. WITH ME!' Shouted Snape and the glasses on the shelves shook. Elizabeth grabbed the hand of her brother and dragged him out of the classroom with a very rapid pace. Snape only shouted 'You dare leave my class or you will be punished worse.' From their back but the Black siblings were already gone.

Will and Ella were up in the astronomy tower. Ella was cleaning a wound on her brother's shoulder. 'How did this happen Will?' She asked. 'That George brat shot a spell at me but no worries I got him back.' Ella hugged Will and kissed him on the forehead. She sang to him a lullaby their mother used to sing them when they were babies. Elizabeth realised Will drifted into sleep and she put his head on her leg.

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