Chapter One

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   I jumped into my shoes, took my school bag almost dropping my homework and dashed out the door. It was just the beginning of sophomore in highschool! I saw avery come out of her house to come walk to school with me, school was only a few blocks away from our houses. "Hey avery!" i said. "Hey! Im so excited to start this brand new school year, not to mention bryan left the school." "i know right, he definitely had a crush on us." i said back. We both giggled as we saw our school from far away. "In speaking of crushes, who is your crush?" avery said. "Hm, i dont have a crush. Ive never had one before!" "i know youll have one soon, i can feel it." said avery. "We'll see, i dont know if there will be any new students at school." i said while waving at one of my teachers. "Well lets go to our lockers and get our stuff ready for first period."

Me and avery got to our lockers right by the gym door. Soon i saw this boy and he amazed me. He has black messy hair, bright hazel eyes, and nice blue braces. He seemed pretty shy, but he seemed comfortable with his friends. I saw him with a girl, she had dark blue eyes, and brown straight hair. Not to mention is was pretty long. It seemed like theyve just met with the fact i never saw that boy in this school ever. "Hey avery, have you seen that boy before? The one with the black messy hair?" avery looked at him. "I think I saw him in preschool! His name is adrian!" i got shocked. She saw him before? "Well, i think i like him. But hes talking to another girl! Not to mention shes getting pretty comfy with him." "you have a crush? Dont worry, we wont let her win him. Not on my watch." said avery as she placed her gym shoes in her locker. "Well, i dont wanna sound like a stalker, but should we follow him and see what hes up to?" i said. "Sure, it feels illegal even though it isnt."

"Wow! I never knew you would like the color blue, my name is daisy by the way! Do you like my eyes? They are blue just like you like!" daisy said. "Well, i like the color blue so i guess yeah! Nice to meet you daisy, im adrian." "nice to meet you too! So, do you like anything particular?" she said. "Um, i like art!" he said. "That sounds awesome! Maybe we should both sign up for art class?" "that sounds like a good idea daisy! Lets go." he said. I turned back at avery. "His favorite color is blue, and he likes art. They are both going to sign up for art class, so that means i have to sign up too!" i said. "Go go go! Hurry!" i ran as fast i could running to art class before they did. I also waved at adrian so he knew i even existed. I finally got the art room and signed the art sign up paper. I looked at how many spots were left and it said two. That meant daisy and adrian could sign up too. I waited about three minutes for them to show up, then watched them sign up. "You guys signed up right in time haha, you guys like art just like i do right?" "yeah, i like art a lot." adrian said. I nodded. I looked at my clock and i had ten minutes before class starts.

Chapter one is done, yes! Before you leave this story keep reading, my stories tend to creep up and then the action starts. :)

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