Chapter Sixteen

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 "Omg get off daisy!" adrian yelled. "Guys whats going on? Ive already gave up on adrian." i said. "What do you mean, you gave up on me?" "daisy and ruth like you. Its been a competition since the start they met you! Its a long story, but they both wanted to win your heart, so they kept on setting each other on pranks so you didnt like them as much! We get it if you dont want to be any of their friends anymore. But as ruths friend, i know the right thing to do was tell you the truth. Daisy, and ruth, like you." avery yelled. "STOP! ADRIAN IS MINE." daisy screamed. "I KNEW something fishy was going on. But on the serious note, thank you avery. Im sure maria wouldnt have done something like that. Plus, you and ruth havent been pulling pranks on each other to win my heart, instead you gave me gifts. So i think its only fair that i determine that ruth will be my girlfriend. After he said that, my eyes lit up. My heart started racing. After i got up from falling from running i gave adrian a big hug. If i wasnt for avery and zach i would have been nowhere near to adrian.

"Avery and zach, i just wanted to say im sorry. Sorry for everything. The fact you still helped me win adrian after we stopped being friends is amazing. I know this will never be forgivable but if we could work something out maybe we could somehow be friends again." i said. "IM SO SORRY DAISY!" maria cried. Daisy got up bursting into tears. "And daisy, we cant be friends anymore. Its unbelievable that you have been behind these pranks. Its unforgivable." he said. At this point the whole school was crowded around us in shock. "I was rooting for you ruth!" "yeah we were!" "we knew what was going on with you, daisy, adrian, avery, maria, and zach!" "OMG RUTH JUST GOT WITH MY CRUSH!" everyone yelled. Everyone was going crazy. Somehow, they knew what was going on. Adrian pulled my chin toward him and came in for a kiss. Everyone screamed of shock. Everyone was going crazy, leaving daisy balling her eyes out while walking home. I just wanted to thank my supportive friends, theyre the reason im here now.

i got kinda lazy on this chapter too so its sorta cheesy but yeah

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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