Chapter Seven

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"Before you say ANYTHING, theres something i need to say and you may not like it. It just needs to be addressed. Recently, you and daisy went to her house for a while. Then i saw a house and suspected it was daisies since i saw 2 shadows in a figure that looked like you guys! I was also with avery at the time so after i went to her house we both went to daisies to see what you guys were doing. At this point we really screwed up, what we were doing was stalking and was totally not okay. Then thats when we saw daisy saying me and avery are dating, that we set her up, and that i dont shower in weeks. I just want to point out that none of this is true, and she is just upset i reported her to the principals office for cheating." i said. "Wow, that really clears things up. I am upset with you for stalking us. But at that time when she said that i was really stressed lately, thank you for telling me this." he said. I nodded and made my way back to school, i had 20 minutes until my first class started.

  "Howd it go with adrian not being your friend anymore?" daisy said. "He is actually STILL my friend, and i made sure he doesnt like you as much as he used to." i said. "W-what do you mean?" "it means i stalked you guys when you were at each others houses, then told adrian what you said wasnt true." "oh my gosh! You can sue her for trespassing daisy!" maria blurted. "I dont know how to do that, and surely i doubt you do too." daisy said. "Next time, have a brain before you try and break me and adrian up. We have a strong bond, stronger than yours." i said as i marched next to her. Soon, something happened that i wasnt expecting. Daisy pushed me into a locker. "Dont EVER talk to me like that! fight me, i will if i have to!" daisy said. After that the whole school started crowding us, and i knew i had to fight her or else i would get bullied.

  I started to put my fists up ready to fight. I wiped the blood of my bruised lips. Avery was trying to stop it, but too many people were crowding. "Fight fight fight!" the crowd cheered. If i won this fight, everyone would like me and the process to making adrian mine would be much more easier. Soon something caught my eye. Someone that looked like adrian, maybe one year younger than him. Thats when i saw someone say something. "Zach lets watch the fight!" my mouth dropped. It was adrians brother. I cant let myself lose. I have to fight. Before i could get my mind off the fight daisy threw the first punch. She knocked me into some guys phone. I gained my focus back and tried to hit back, but then daisy grabbed my arm and shut it between her locker. I saw a huge line across my arm beginning to bleed. I started to back out knowing i would lose the fight. "LOSER!" "dude fight her" "you cant fight" "dang bro you suck" "GO DAISY!" i ran out into the bathroom.

i wonder whats going on in adrians head..

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