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Sokovia was different than Amelia remembered, then again she had only been in the surrounding forest not the city itself. The city was beautiful in a different way than New York City, with people busy on the streets in a similar way. The team split when they landed, everyone rushing off to help evacuate the city as quickly as possible unsure when Ultron would show up.

Each member of their team had an ear piece, a way to keep them connected even when they were separated by miles. She could hear each person as they spoke to the citizens, urging them to leave the city. "Get off your asses." She laughed softly at Pietro, smiling sweetly as she lead a group of citizens towards the bridge urging them to move quickly.

"Please hurry, stay safe" she spoke in sokovian, helping a young mother who seemed to be struggling with her two little ones. "I know this is your home but your life is more important than the items." The mom nodded, agreeing as she picked up the youngest boy, gesturing for the oldest to hold her hand as she followed the crowd out of the city. "Hurry, we don't know how much time we have!"

"Since when do you know sokovian?" Her brother's voice came over the comms, Amelia pausing to think of the answer.

"I don't know." She couldn't remember learning the language, nor could she remember a time she didn't know the language. Although clearly that existed if her brother wasn't aware she spoke it. Meaning it must be something she learned during her time with Hydra.

"It seems to be keeping them calm," Bucky stated, Amelia immediately seeking the metal armed man who could see her. She spotted him easily, almost like he had a beacon that alerted her of his position. He stood not far from her, metal arm hidden completely as he helped evacuate a building, he kept popping in and out of. "They're listening to her better than anyone else."

"Too bad we dont have multiples of you to send around and move this along," Clint joked.

"I think one Amelia is more than enough," Tony snorted before silence fell over the comms.

Amelia shook her head at his words, smiling as she helped a young girl slip a bookbag onto her shoulders. She thanked her, before skipping to her father's side and wrapping her tiny hand around his large one. He too thanked the redhead before leading his daughter from the city, disappearing towards the bridge Steve had situated himself on.

Turning towards the next building, Amelia stared in confusion as a robot slicked around the building, followed shortly by many more. Screams erupted only seconds later, Amelia taking a moment to survey the city as robots seemed to pour out of every crevice. Breathing deeply, Amelia turned just as a robot approached her, arms thrusting forwards as a scream escaped her lips and her eyes turned silver. The robot flew backwards, smashing into the side of the building it had crept from behind, shattering into pieces before crumbling to the ground.

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