Kiss Quota

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"Princess, what're your thoughts on us hosting a Valentine's ball?" Manik asks, rising from his seat. Removing my attention from the scrolls that are spread out haphazardly in front of me, I shake my head at the man in front of me.

"Don't you dare stroll over here in search of a kiss." I warn Manik, even though my voice lacks the remotest hints of conviction. As a result, my words fall on deaf ears; Manik's advancing gait not so much as faltering for even a second.

"What in God's name would put such a delusional thought in your head, Princess?" Although Manik's face is stoic, I don't fail to catch sight of the dancing mischief in his eyes.

"Probably the fact that you've already done so a handful of times in the past hour." I retort, shaking my head in disbelief at the recollection. Manik's a child who can repeat the same game without fail.

"And if my memory serves me correctly, you weren't complaining a peep, Princess." Manik reminds me, a lazy smirk tugging at one end of his lips.

"I..." Trailing off, I bite down on my lower lip. That is most certainly one accusation I cannot fight against. "Yes, well, your quota for the day is over, Manik!" I exclaim, wagging my index finger in his direction, in an attempt to sound sterner than I feel right now. Frowning, Manik halts in his tracks, only to glare at me accusingly. "If we keep at it like two childish lovers, then how in the world will we get any official work done? Imagine this news, the lands of Naiq and Parman went to the dogs because their rulers couldn't keep their hands off of each other." Good God, we'd become the joke of the century!

"Princess, this isn't fair!" Manik whines, furrowing his brows together. "You can't put a limit to our kisses. Which wife does that?" In an attempt to showcase his exasperation, Manik throws his arms in the air. The melodrama of this man makes it seem as if I've gravely wronged him in some manner by committing a cardinal sin. 

"Manik Malhotra, are you throwing a tantrum just because I'm banning you from kissing me?" I ask, leaning back into my seat. Quite truthfully, bothering Manik and holding the upper hand with him has become my most beloved hobby of them all.

"So what if I am?" In a show of indignation, Manik juts his chin out ever so slightly. "I am, after all, fighting for my husbandly rights!" A giggle escapes my lips at Manik's state.

"Okay, let's strike a deal, Manik. You stay right there and explain this whole Valentine's ball thought to me," I bargain. "After which I'll consider allowing you one extra kiss, which will exceed your daily quota of course." Shrugging nonchalantly, I raise my eyebrows at Manik in askance. "Take it or leave it."

"You drive a hard bargain, Mrs. Malhotra." Manik compliments me grudgingly, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly at me. "But I'll take it."

"Wise decision, Mr. Malhotra." Smiling at my small victory, I nod my head at Manik to begin saying his part.

"Now Princess, we've been married for a while now and yet we haven't hosted a formal gathering as a couple - "

"I wonder why," I interrupt Manik, shrugging my shoulders with the utmost innocence. Huffing, my husband offers me the best glare that he can muster. "I apologise, do continue."

"Right, so as I was saying," Manik begins once again. "Valentine's Day is upcoming, so we may as well utilise the celebration and invite all the aristocratic couples from not only our kingdoms, but from across the world. It will also help ease the border tensions to a great extent."

I can't help but appreciate the animated gleam in Manik's eyes as he explains his line of thought to me, along with the excited hand gestures that punctuate almost every word of his. Who would've thought that I'd find a partner who shares the dedication, love and passion that I have for my people and kingdom? Having met many leaders from across the world, I am well aware that chancing upon such a true king - one who doesn't wish to steal from his people and fill his palace with the riches of corruption - is a rarity that must be treasured. With time, the realisation grows stronger that Manik and I aren't as different as I thought we were.

"And of course, if it has to do with the ladies and love, then it has to do with me." Manik adds, spreading his arms out at his sides. "And that, Princess, is what Valentine's is all about." Upon first hearing about Manik's Valentine's plans, I was ready to agree within a heartbeat. Now, however, I'm not so sure if I should.

"Alright, Manik, let's host a Valentine's ball as our first gathering after marriage." I agree, only to watch a proud grin stretch across my husband's face. The sight brings a smile to my own lips; I wasn't aware that my approval meant so much to him. "I like the idea of a celebration, along with how it's a wise strategical move on our part to benefit us in the long run." Rising from my seat, I narrow my eyes at Manik. "Your last comment, however, just lost you the right to that extra kiss quota."

Before my words can register in his mind, I make a beeline for the door. Alas, my husband apparently functions in overdrive when it comes to me, for just before I can wrap my fingers around the door handle, an arm snakes its way around my waist and yanks me in the opposite direction. A squeal escapes my lips as Manik lifts my feet off the ground by the mere force of his arm, swirling me in an anti-clockwise direction.

Once I'm safely facing away from the door, thereby losing any chance of making a hasty exit from the study, Manik allows my feet to gingerly make contact with the floor. However, he doesn't remove his hold from around me. Instead with the confidence of a man who knows his place in his woman's life, Manik pulls my behind further into his front, until I can feel each and every contour of his frame.

"And why is that so, if I may ask, Princess?" Manik whispers, his lips resting against my ear in a whisper of a touch. Without allowing me any time to recover, my husband begins to trail his index and middle fingers along the length of my arm, taking his own sweet time as he traces the plains of my skin; his journey of ascent beginning from my wrist. A low hum escapes my throat, my eyes shutting on their own volition. In an attempt to support my weakening nerves, I allow my head to rest against Manik's chest, not a peep of complaint escaping from my smiling lips.

"Hmm?" Manik prompts, his fingers having now reached my forearm.

"B-Because you are still floating around on your bachelor cloud," is the only explanation that manages to come out of me. "You're not allowed to think of any other ladies, Manik." I add just in the nick of time before his lips find the crook of my neck. "Oh," I gasp, my head tilting to the side ever so slightly to accommodate Manik's merciless attack.

"Did I say ladies, Princess?" Manik's voice is nothing above a husky whisper, but not the breathless kind. Oh no, on the contrary, he's using the best seductive voice that he can muster, one that I'm sure he's used on innumerable ladies before; a plan of action that is foolproof. Unable to find my voice, I nod my head.

"Do pardon me then, Princess, my tongue must have slipped." Manik's blatant lie is followed by the circular movement of his index finger around my navel and just like that I lose all my resolve to call him out on it. "I meant to say, lady." Another gasp falls from my lips as Manik's finger - the one that was assaulting my navel - begins to travel upwards along my front.

"W-What're you - " However, before I can complete my thought, Manik's finger has traversed the entire length of my upper half to find my chin, only to tip my face upwards to greet his inviting lips. A low groan of pleasure and approval rumbles through my husband's chest as he kisses me in that languid manner of his that I'm growing familiar with, courtesy of today's kiss quota. I don't, however, mind Manik's paced out speed at all. In fact, it makes me feel as if he wishes to savour every second of me and take none of me for granted. He makes me feel worthy. Smiling against my husband's lips at this new thought, I turn myself around, without breaking away from his demanding mouth.

Like a woman who has now attained her fair share of experience - enough to be bold enough to guide her actions - I allow my right palm to splay itself across Manik's cheek; my fingers gently pressing into his skin in a silent nod of approval. Growing a mind of its own, my other palm slides its way across the length of Manik's chest only to wind its way along the back of his neck.

Thank you for making me feel valued, is what I wish to voice out loud at this given moment. Instead, I draw myself up on my toes and tighten my hold around Manik ever so slightly. In reply, his arms wrap themselves around my waist, followed by the slightest of squeezes, almost as if he's heard my thoughts and understood the unspoken words between the two of us.

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