Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

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"I'm going to let you catch up on some much needed beauty sleep now, Malhotra." I say, kicking my legs off the bed.

"Are you heading back to your chambers?" My friend asks me, as I slide my arm out from behind his neck. I shake my head, staring down at my red skin. After keeping it stationary - as Malhotra's makeshift pillow - my arm bears all the demarkations of the abuse. Not only is it red, but my skin has also adopted the pattern of the headboard. Sighing, I rise from Malhotra's side and plop myself down onto the chair.

"On the contrary, I'm right here." I announce, smiling at him. "You aren't getting rid of me so easily, Malhotra." As my friend's eyebrows furrow together, I can practically hear the gears of his mind turning with a storm of thoughts. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking, Princess, this is the first night that we are spending together and the distance between us is pretty pathetic, I'd say." Malhotra voices his thoughts out loud, pouting.

"Consider yourself lucky that I'm not sitting halfway across the room." I retort, rolling my eyes. "I suggest you take whatever you're getting, Malhotra, and go to sleep." Clearly not satisfied, my friend glances towards his left.

"Come here, Princess." Malhotra says, patting the empty spot. As if to clean the space for me, he also passes his hand over the sheet. Realising that I have not so much as budged from my spot, Malhotra turns to look at me.

"On any other given day," he says, "I'd lift you and place you on the bed. Tonight, though, you're going to have to go through the trouble of moving your behind all by yourself." Pursing my lips, I lean back in the chair.

"What makes you think I'll willingly share a bed with you, Malhotra?" I question. "High hopes, my friend, high hopes." Malhotra is quite evidently taken aback by my words, almost as if I've informed him that I'm slow poisoning him.

"Oh for fuck's sake, I'm not asking you to sleep with me. You can even construct a wall of pillows between us for all I care." He says, sounding like a bruised puppy. Aw, did I injure the mighty Simba's ego?

"No," I repeat firmly.

"Look, Princess, if you stay seated on that chair for even a second longer, I can assure you that your behind will flatten up like a pancake." Malhotra says, nodding his head towards the chair I'm seated on. "So concede, and relieve me of the guilt as well."

"Guilt?" I repeat, raising my eyebrows questioningly.

"For making you sit on that uncomfortable seat for half the night now." Malhotra explains, genuinely looking apologetic.

"Malhotra, you're making me do nothing." I argue, placing my feet at the edge of the bed. "Now go to sleep, and let me rest as well." Shutting my eyes, I lean my head against the back of the chair.

"Consider this as an instalment for repaying me," Malhotra says. "For whatever I did." My eyes fly open, as I sit up with a jerk.

"You're being unfair," I complain, thrusting my finger in front of his face.

"All's fair in love and war, Princess." Malhotra replies, smirking. "Now come on. The sooner you're beside me - in this bed - the sooner I can go to sleep. You do know that rest is imperative for my recovery, right?" Pursing my lips, I release a sigh of frustration. Instead of using the pillows to construct a wall between Malhotra and I, I need to take one, bury my face in it and release a cry of frustration. Yes, that's exactly what I'll be doing once I return to my chambers.

With leaden steps, I make my way towards the other side of the bed. I've never shared my living space with anyone before, much less an intimate moment, such as that of sharing a bed with another. Hesitantly, I lower myself onto the mattress, reaching behind me to grab two pillows.

"I don't have lice, Princess. I promise." Malhotra says, as he watches me place the two pillows between our bodies.

"What if I'm allergic to you?" I question, as I bring my legs onto the bed and lay down. Like a stiff statue, I lie on my back, staring straight up at the ceiling.

"I guess we are going to find out, aren't we?" Malhotra replies sarcastically. This may be easy for him - sharing a bed with a lady, or being in physical proximity to her - but these are all foreign experiences for me; first times.

"Goodnight, Princess." Malhotra says, as I remain tensed beside him.

"Goodnight, Malhotra," I reply, my fingers nervously twisting the corner of my outfit. Truth be told, I was more comfortable seated on the chair, than I am lying here beside Malhotra.

"Awake, Princess?" My friend asks.

"Yes," I reply, turning my back towards Malhotra. "Do you want something?"

"Indeed," he replies. "For you to sing for me." Frowning, I shut my eyes.

"Malhotra, I'm not going to sing for you." I say, repeating what I've already made quite clear to him.

"Please, Princess. Just this once," he pleads. "Only for this one night."

"When the blazing sun is gone," I sing in a hushed whisper. "When he nothing shines upon, then you show your light." A hum of approval escapes from Malhotra's lips, as the lyrics of the lullaby flow out of mine. "Twinkle, twinkle, all the night." With each passing verse, I feel my muscles begin to loosen up, as I relax beside Malhotra. Perhaps singing this nursery rhyme wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"Then the traveler in the dark," I sing, a yawn escaping my lips.

"Now that you're relaxed and comfortable," Malhotra says, "Have sweet dreams. Goodnight, Princess." I hum in approval, as the waves of slumber cascade over me. 

"Goodnight, Malhotra," I reply, pressing my cheek into the pillow.

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