Suspicious Doubts

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The days that follow the Valentine's ball are filled with pure bliss for Manik and I. The both of us spend our nights wrapped in each other's arms, with him introducing me to and teaching me the ways of a whole new world that exists behind closed doors. Meanwhile, we keep each other company during the days in Manik's study, working together until the words on the scrolls begin to blur in front of our eyes.

The simple truth is that I've never been more content with the course my life is on. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I'd be fortunate enough to chance upon, and be dealt - in my share of fate - a life that would rival fairytales. I am a part of a family that absolutely dotes not only on one another, but has welcomed me in their midst like I'm their long lost puzzle piece.

The cherry on the cake of my dreams, however, is that I've found love in a man who I know is my match made in heaven. Manik doesn't just offer me the safe space to be his wife, but he accepts and respects my contribution in other aspects of our lives as well. In official matters regarding the lands he always seeks my advice, and not just to appease me. On the contrary, he pays heed to my words, and takes them in grave consideration, even if they contrast against his thoughts and opinions.

Moreover, Manik allows me the liberty to handle my kingdom's affairs the way that I desire, as if it is still solely in my possession. In truth, I don't require his permission, and nor have I ever sought it. Regardless of his assent, or not, I would still do that which my heart desires. However, to have a partner like Manik, who doesn't bring unnecessary conflict into my life is surely a facet of my fate that I will forever be grateful for.

Most importantly, though, my husband dotes on me as much as I adore him, if not more. That, in itself, is enough to keep me thanking my stars on a daily basis without fail. Everyday Manik shows me in a hundred different, said and unsaid ways, the dear place that I bear in his heart and life. Sometimes I believe that he treats every dawn with me as if it's our last together.


"Your Grace, your towels for this month are ready." Celeste says, carrying in a rectangular box that fits snugly in the palm of her right hand.

"Oh, it's time already, is it?" I ask, offering her a nod of gratitude as she places the silver box on the dressing table in front of me.

"Yes, Your Grace. You may expect them anytime today."

"Thank you, Celeste." Absentmindedly, I continue to pass the brush through my tresses as I stare at my reflection. I'm usually better at keeping track of my cycles because my body sets of a few warning bells for me a few days in advance. I come down with a mild fever about three days before the day of my cycle, itself, and fatigue makes me sluggish. Not only that, but my craving for sweets spikes through the roof, until the kitchen is wholly dedicated to baking me a buffet of sugar.

Frowning ever so slightly, I glance at the silver box on my dressing table once again before rising to my feet, and heading to Manik's study. Perhaps Celeste has mixed up the dates. However, she always notes them down in her pocket diary, so I highly doubt she's mistaken.

Throughout the day I'm on edge as I await the impending arrival of the red devil. The slightest suspicion about so much as a drop of discharge has me rushing to the chamber pot. Alas, my wariness is in vain because I remain scot-free for the entirety of the day.


"Your Grace, here's a fresh set of towels for you." Celeste says, entering my chambers with a duplicate of the untouched silver box that is lying on my dressing table in front of me.

"Celeste, I believe that this time around you've mixed up the dates." I say as she places the new box beside the previous one. A slight crease forms in the centre of her brow.

"Do pardon my transgression, Your Grace, but I couldn't have. I-I write them down, you see." With great haste, my lady-in-waiting reaches into the folds of her skirt, and pulls out a square diary that could easily fit into the palm of my hand. Murmuring a string of words to herself under her breath, she flips through the pages of the diary until she lands upon her desired place.

"Please take a look, Your Grace." Celeste urges me, shoving the diary under my nose. Suppressing a smile of amusement, I take it from her and pass a glance over the dates that she has jotted down.

"I could be late then, just this once?" I suggest, handing Celeste's possession back to her. Shaking her head stubbornly, my lady-in-waiting continues to watch me with a frown.

"You never are, Your Grace. For as long as I can remember," she adds. "By any chance, could you be ill, Your Grace? Shall I have the palace physician come up to your chambers this very instant?" Waving my hand dismissively, I cast aside Celeste's misplaced worries.

"Don't make a fuss about this, Celeste. I'm as healthy as a horse," I say. "And unlike you, my body doesn't have its own pocket diary, so it could be fooling around just this once." My jest seems to have no effect on my lady-in-waiting, whatsoever. If anything, the frown lines that are marring her forehead grow deeper.

As I'm dividing my hair into sections to braid it up, I cast a glance towards Celeste in the mirror, only to find her eyeing the bed over her shoulder. Following her line of sight, I take in the mussed up sheets, courtesy of Manik and I, of course.

"The chamber maid hasn't come up yet." I explain, assuming that the unmade bed is the cause of Celeste's fixation. "She usually cleans our chambers around noon, once we're both downstairs in the study. So there's nothing to worry about," I assure my lady-in-waiting.

"Your Grace, I'm well aware that I am constantly speaking out of turn today, but if you would be so generous as to pardon yet another transgression on my part, may I say something?" Celeste asks, spacing out each word cautiously, her eyes watching every tick in my expression for my reaction.

"Go ahead," I encourage, my curiosity piqued. Celeste is in an awfully talkative mood today, and that's so unlike her.

"I may be wrong, Your Grace, but I still stand by my stance that you should summon the physician for a consultation." Celeste says, wringing her hands together in front of her. Just as I'm about to open my mouth to thwart aside Celeste's concerns once again, she continues.

"For I think that you could be with child, Your Grace." 

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