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"I heard you went out for a date with Mr. Handsome." Noel says, as we head towards Father's chambers.

"Date," I repeat, scoffing. "Not even close." Lord knows who is Noel's source of gossip, but it is most certainly an invalid one. The mere thought of Malhotra and I ever going out on a date has me shaking with laughter. Good joke!

"Oh, then what else shall I call a rendezvous to the hunting grounds?" Noel asks, drumming her finger against her chin. "A picnic basket was involved, too, if I'm not mistaken."

"Firstly, it was no rendezvous," I argue. "Secondly, yes, there were some tea-time snacks involved, but that is solely because Father left me with no choice. Lord knows what spell Malhotra has cast on our old man."

"If only Father forced me to perform such tasks." Noel sighs dramatically, pouting. "You're right, though. The King of Naiq has some black magic concoction that I'm sure he pours into Father's drinks. For the past couple of days, every time I head over to his chambers, he's in a meeting with Manik. I can bet my entire fortune that he goes into Father's chambers at least three times a day."

This newfound closeness of Father's and Malhotra's is most certainly disconcerting. Noel may be taking this in jest, and treating it without much concern. I, however, cannot afford to do so. If only I knew as to what they discuss in there.

"Doesn't Father dislike visitors?" I voice my thoughts out loud, as we turn a corner.

"Of course he does," Noel agrees, nodding her head. "There's a reason other than us, and some of the palace staff, no one has been permitted to step foot into his chambers for years now."

"If only I had known that these palace walls held such treasures." Malhotra's voice carries forth into my ears, causing me to come to a standstill. "I'd have indefinitely extended my stay, Gorgeous." Who in the world is he conversing with?

"Isn't that - "

"Malhotra," I complete Noel's thought for her. "It is. Speak of the Devil, and he appears." A girlish giggle echoes around the hallway. Of course, he's busy with a damsel. My curiosity getting the best of me, I place my index finger onto my lips, so as to silence Noel. Obediently, my sister nods her head, as I peek mine out from the corner of the hallway. Sure enough, towards the far end of this corridor, Malhotra is leaning against a wall - his back turned towards me - a lady-in-waiting's hand clasped in his. The poor girl is so lost in the depths of his eyes that she fails to notice me watching them.

"Just yesterday, I discovered the perfect spot to take the perfect lady to." Malhotra continues, as he brings the back of her hand up to his lips.

"Oh, and who is this perfect lady?" Good Lord, the girl is speaking as if she were in a trance; her eyes lost into the depths of Malhotra's orbs.

"Ladies," I correct. Why in the world does my tongue have to run wild? I mentally chide myself, the second the word leaves my lips. Malhotra's head snaps in my direction. Judging from the panicked look in his eyes, I can tell that he was not expecting my presence. However, as always, my enemy is quick to recover and adorn the robes of his laid back attitude once again.

"Princess," Malhotra acknowledges my presence, nodding his head at me. Completely disregarding his female friend, my enemy drops the poor girl's hand like a used handkerchief. As her eyes flit between Malhotra and her discarded hand - whose attention is now solely focused on me - she looks like a wounded deer. Without so much as a second glance in her direction, Malhotra turns to face me.

"Pardon me for disturbing you and your..." I trail off, as I glance at the girl over Malhotra's shoulder. "Lover," I complete. "Well, at least one of them. Please don't let us be a bother. My sister and I will get going now." Casting my gaze towards Noel, over my shoulder, I nod for her to follow me.

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