In and Out of Love

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22/6/85 Detroit 

Elizabeth's POV 

"I am so excited for tonight!!" Kim exclaimed with such enthusiasm, her eyes popping from her head. "I only know a few of Ratt's songs, I think Bon Jovi is opening for them, I know more of their music" Keeping my focus on painting my nails a nice cherry red. "Yeah, you love that blondie who sings in Bon Jovi" Teasing me with her exaggerated tone. My eyes roll to the back of my head as my head shakes from side to side "That is ridiculous Kim, how could I love somebody I've never met and will never meet.... I like the music that's all". Popping the lid back on my red nail polish and blowing my nails dry. 

We managed to book the flight to Detroit from New Jersey just a week before coming here, I was almost worried that we wouldn't make it here for the concert. We are both Jersey girls born and bred so I'm pretty surprised that neither of us has ever met Jon or any of the other members for that matter, but I guess Jersey is a big place.

 I wouldn't say I'm a crazy fan, I'm more of a music lover, so I'm usually the last girl to swoon over a rock star. I'm not saying Jon and the other members aren't gorgeous because they certainly are but It's not the reason I listen to the music. 

"Come on I'm starved I want some lunch"  Nagging me with a light slap of my arm. "Alright just let me get ready"  Hopping off the bed to my small suitcase which is already open and half my clothes are sprawled out onto the floor. Picking out a pair of my skinny acid wash jeans, purple converse and my favourite cropped vest with 'The wild one' written on it in sparkly black writing. It's not referring to me, but my favourite song by Suzie Quatro, I'll be getting changed again before the show tonight, this is just to go get lunch from the diner next door. We're staying at a hotel next to the plaza so it'll be real easy to get to tonight.

After I throw on my clothes, we skip along to the diner which is right next door. "Hey you head on in, I'm just going to the bathroom" Jogging into the bathroom while Kim heads into the dining area. I don't need the toilet, I just wanted to freshen up a little, washing my hands and fluffing my loose curly locks slightly before heading back out. 

As I swing the door out, it thuds against something hard

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As I swing the door out, it thuds against something hard. An awful feeling crawls up my spine when I hear a pained grunt muffle through the door. Without hesitation, I quickly close the door to see a man hunched over, groaning in pain. Gasping in shock, I jog over to the man, placing my hand on his shoulder to comfort him "Oh My God, Are you okay?" My voice is full of concern. His mass of fluffy hair covered his face, he is wearing a long leather jacket, blue vest and tight blue jeans. "You hit me with the door" His voice is strained as if he's speaking through gritted teeth. My hand unconsciously caresses circles in his shoulder in hopes it will help "I'm so sorry.... I should have been more careful... I didn't mean to". He slowly straightens his body out but I still can't see his face, with his sunglasses and his mass of hair, the only thing I can see is his soft plump lips and that razor-sharp jaw. 

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