These arms of mine

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10th June 1986 / New Jersey 

Elizabeth's POV 

My eyes pop open for the hundredth time tonight, a sheen of cold sweat smothering my skin. Groans pass my lips as I toss and turn in discomfort, hoping the nausea will subside. My hand abruptly clamps round my mouth when the lumps start rising up my throat. Before it gets real messy, I sprint off to the bathroom, curling myself up over the toilet to empty the contents of my already empty stomach. My body starts uncontrollably trembling as the vomit pours from my mouth like a fountain. When the nausea finally subsides, I'm left in a gasping, panting mess on the floor, my body frail and weak. I stumble my way back to bed, climbing in and letting my heavy lids seal shut. 

My throbbing head rips me from my sleep, the cold sweat still evident on my skin. Groans slip my lips when my eyes creak open, the light of the day peeking through the curtains. My body flinches in shock when my phone starts ringing in my ear. I moved it into the bedroom when I got the bug, so I didn't have to keep running back and forth. I haven't seen Jon in days because of this bug. He keeps calling me and asking if I want to go out or if he can come over and I've been telling him I'm too busy. I know if he knew I was sick, He'd be straight over and I can't risk making him sick before the tour starts. 

My clammy hand wraps round the phone, inhaling a deep breath and preparing myself. "Hello?" Trying my best to sound as happy and cheery as possible. "Hey babe how you doin?" His husky voice is music to my ears. "I'm great.... Just so busy with..... work" , "... yeah I dropped by yesterday but they told me you haven't been in for a few days now" The panic starts to rise up in my throat, I had no idea he would actually drop by my work. "Oh.... yeah.... of course I've been working from home... sorry I forgot to tell you" Sniffling up my runny nose as I trail off which I'm pretty sure he heard. "Right..... Uhh.... well I'm seein the guys today to talk about the album cover... was gonna ask if you wanted to join us but seeing as you're busy..... guess I'll see ya another day?" , "Yeah... I'm sorry baby.... Definitely Thursday I'd say" A deep feeling of guilt crashing down on me for lying to him. "Alright well I'll give ya a call on Thursday then.... bye" , "Okay... bye" Clicking the phone back down in the holder. 

After a couple of hours of tossing and turning in pain and discomfort, I can't take anymore. I need something to help, some medicine to get rid of this, but who could I call? I can't call my parents or Jeff because they're too far away and I can't call Jon. "I guess I could call Richie" Whispering to myself while nervously fiddling with my hands. 

Jon's POV  

"Nah man I'm starting to think she's just blowin me off" , "Lily? Definitely not..... she's never blown anyone or anything off in her entire life" Swiftly shaking his head at me in disagreement. "Why don't you just go over to her apartment?" , "I can't Rich, she says she's busy.... I wouldn't want her walkin in the studio when we're recordin" Shrugging out my words. The house phone blaring through the room catches our attention. He swiftly picks the phone up "Hello?" There's a short pause before he looks at me with such a weird expression. "Lily? How you doin?" Upon hearing her name, I bound over to the sofa, slumping myself down next to him. He holds the phone between our ears so I can hear "Can You do me a favour Richie? and promise me you won't tell Jon?". "Well it depends what it is doll" Looking at each other with utter confusion and worry. "It's nothing bad I promise.... I just.... I need some medicine.... There's no one else I can call" , "Why do you need medicine? what's wrong?" There's a short pause while she sniffles. "I've been so Ill the past few days Richie... I can't take it anymore.... I need some medicine" , "Is that why you've been workin from home? Jonny told me he hasn't seen you in a while" A tiny whimper slithers down the line. "I couldn't let him see me like this..... What if he gets Ill because of me? right before the tour.... so I told him I was working from home but I've been bed bound" Well if Richie is going to her apartment with medicine then I sure as hell am going too. "Alright.... Alright I'll be right over okay?". 

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