Back to Jersey

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28/6/85 Detroit/ New Jersey

Elizabeth's POV 

"So you'll call me?" Grinning up at him, my eyes and voice full of hope. "Of course, I will... I'll call whenever I can" Nodding as he trails off, his fluffy mane flowing with his movements. We're all standing in the airport saying goodbye while their jet waits in the wings for the rockers to board. "You better have some good stories from home when I call" Bursting out into giggles upon hearing his words, feeling like a giddy school girl with a crush. I'm busy taking mental images of his features, his soft plump lips, his razor-sharp jaw, his fluffy blonde mane, and his intense blue orbs. "Jonny we gotta go now" Suddenly my heart started to sink into the pit of my stomach, this is it, this is the last time I'll see him. 

Just as he turns back to look at me, I decide to kiss him right there. He stumbles slightly in shock at the smack of my lips against his, my hands combing through his locks. We've kissed before but this is different, it's passionate and full and time stopping. Making mental notes of his scent and taste with each breath I take. We reluctantly pull away from each other at the yell of his name, our hot breaths fanning back and forth. "I'll see ya Liza" The mention of my name on his lips sent butterflies fluttering around my stomach. Our arms stretch out, desperately trying to prolong the feeling of each other as he moves away from me, towards the doorway to the jet. His fingers flick off mine when he takes another step away, giving me one last smile before disappearing down the long hallway. 

Only an hour later, Kim and I are on our plane heading home. As I look out the window into the cloudy heaven, I can't help but think of Jon, wondering if he's doing the same thing on his jet. My fingers caressing the little silver ring on my finger that he gave me which hasn't left my finger for a second. "You alright Liz?" My head whips around, my brows ruffling together with confusion "You're crying...". My hands swipe across my wet cheeks "I didn't even realize" Rubbing my wet fingers together as I whisper off. "He said he's gonna call right?", "Yeah.... yeah..... He's gonna call" Smiling away to myself as I look back out the window. 

The door to my apartment creaks open, the dust-ridden air making my nose twitch. My tired aching feet trudge through the door, dropping my suitcase down on the floor before collapsing onto the sofa. I'm only sat down for a matter of 10 minutes before my rumbling stomach forces me towards the fridge, swinging it open to reveal a lone block of cheese. After aimlessly wandering around my empty apartment like a spare part, I decide to hop in my car and go for a drive, just to see where I end up. 

A short while later, I'm trudging through my parent's door, quietly shutting the door behind me. The smell of spaghetti wafting into my face as I make my way through the house "Mom? Dad? you here?". A loud shriek can be heard throughout the house followed by the bounding of footsteps "Liza honey is that you?" My mom's joyful vocals echo through the walls. My eyes roll with humor, who else would be calling out 'Mom', I don't exactly have a sister. "Yeah it's me.... I just got back.." Shouting back to her as I make my way into the kitchen. Just as my footsteps through the doorway, her arms yank me in for a warm embrace which instantly makes me giggle. "How was your trip?" Taking my face in her hands, and giving my cheeks a light squeeze before ushering me towards the sofa. "It was great... we had a blast and we even met some people there" Smiling away to myself a little too much which she immediately sees through. "Boys?" A huge grin creeping up on her face "Yes ma boys" Shaking my head as I trail off, laughter spilling from my lips. "What's his name, how old, and where's he from?" I should have known I'd get an interrogation about this. "His name is Jon..... He's 23 and he's actually from New Jersey" Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. After talking for a little while about my trip, she finally offers me some food seeing as I'm starving. Instead of heading home and spending the day alone, I decide to just stay here for a few days, praying that Jon won't ring me while I'm here. 

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