Pizza Parlour

130 2 0

24/6/85 Detroit 

It's at least 2 in the afternoon and I still haven't heard from Kim and I haven't made an effort to go upstairs to check. My body hasn't moved an inch all day, my feelings cocooning me in bed like a blanket of shame. My mind has been going over what happened last night over and over again. First, he gave me a massage then almost started kissing my neck when Richie and Dave came bounding in. I've never loved anybody before or even had a boyfriend, so this is all new and scary to me, I'm not sure how to act on it or what to do and It's so confusing. I can't talk to Kim because she won't understand what it's like and Jon probably won't talk to me ever again after running out on him. 

Suddenly the door creaks open and my heart starts jumping and skipping with nerves, wondering who is coming in. It sounds like a few footsteps but I still don't turn round for fear of who I'll see. "Hey, Lizzie... you wanna come for lunch?" Kim's voice instantly soothed me a little. The door clicks shut and she makes her way over to the bed "I'm not hungry...". "You alright?" Her voice was full of concern, "I'm fine..." My voice weak and shaky. "Uhhh.... Lizzie you can't lie to me.... tell me what's wrong" A shaky sigh bursts from my lips "Something happened.... between Jon and me.... last night". Feet are shuffling behind me but I just assume that it's Richie "What happened?" Her hand caressing circles in my back. "He made me feel amazing things Kimmy", "Then what's the problem? doesn't sound like he did anything wrong" I can't see her face but I can tell she's confused. "No.... he didn't do anything wrong.... It's me.... you know I've never done anything before Kim and I've been feeling things and It's scary..." My voice soft and slow "Honestly there's nothing to be afraid of Lizzie". " I just got so scared and tried to run out and he tried to get me to stay but I just couldn't then he tore my shirt off by accident.... I was so embarrassed that I ran out" ..... "He must hate me..." My words muffled into the pillow as I bury my head into it in an attempt to bury my shame. Her hand moves its way to my hand but it feels different, it doesn't feel like hers, the warmth sparks the same excitement I felt last night. The fingers interlock with mine, the soft velvety skin sending shivers through my body. 

"Jon..." Closing my eyes as I whisper out his name to myself. Suddenly the door opens followed by multiple footsteps then it clicks shut again. The hand slithers up my arm, sliding inside the sleeve of my t-shirt, prompting a sweet sigh from my lips. I know now that it's Jon behind me but I still don't want to turn round or open my eyes, I just want to enjoy the feeling of his skin on mine. His fingers leave a trail of shivers back down my arm, flicking them off my fingertips. My body twitches when I feel his warmth tickle my toes before trailing up my leg, a wave of heat radiating through my skin. "I'm sorry.." His whispers caused my eyes to jolt open, my eyes immediately searching for him. "No..." Sitting up and shuffling close to him "It's me... I- I've never... well... I" My head dropped in shame. "Hey... It's alright... you can tell me" His knuckles stroking my cheekbone. "You make me feel.... things and I don't understand any of it" His thumb tugs on my bottom lip, causing my breath to hitch "What do I make you feel". His intense blue eyes pull me into a daze, leaving me unable to form words in my mouth. When he is left with no response, he starts to lean towards me at a torturous pace, his rosebud puffed up lips preparing themselves. For some reason, my eyes close just when a sweet sigh escapes my mouth. Just when I think, he's going to end the torture and connect our lips in a passionate kiss, he plants a delicate lubricious peck on my cheek, instantly turning me into a blushing mess. A deep breath releases from my mouth as he pulls me in for a hug, wrapping me in his warmth. 

After our warm embrace, he left me to quickly get dressed, just throwing on my skinny jeans and a tight vest. Instead of going to the diner next door, we go to a pizza parlour around the corner seeing as we're all starving. We all order our pizzas and chat while waiting for them to arrive. "So tell me more about yourself" He remains silent for a moment while he thinks of what to say "Uhh what do you wanna know?". "What's your full name?", "John Francis Bongiovi after my dad.... my mom is called Carol and I have two younger brothers called Tony and matt..... What about yourself?" I'm smiling away to myself like a giddy child. "Uhh my full name is Elizabeth Renee Kelly.... My mom's name is Marilyn Kelly.... Dad's name is Walter Kelly and my brother's name is Jefferey Alan Kelly---" Richie immediately cut me off with a gasp of shock "Wait.... you're Jefferey Alan's little sister?" Pointing at me with his finger, his brows knitted together in confusion. "Yeah that's me.... why?"..... "You know me..... I used to be best buds with Jeff all through high school, we were in a band together... remember you used to call me Ricky" A loud laugh bursts from my lips when the memories come rushing back to me. "Oh My God that's right.... I thought everyone was calling you Ricky so that's what I started calling you" Giggling as I trail off. Jon and Kim are just sitting there looking at Richie and me reconnecting. "This girl used to have the biggest crush on me.... she used to follow me everywhere" Richie looked at Jon while pointing to me. "Alright Alright, that's enough" Waving his comment off with a gesture of my hand. "Wait, he's not the guy you snuck out to meet is he?" Ruffling his brows at me, looking rather concerned. "Oh God no..... that was someone else.... no Richie was always a friend.... always looked out for me" Nodding as I trail off. A sigh of relief escapes his lips that I'm sure he thinks I didn't notice but I did. "What guy?" Richie looked between Jon and me with confusion. "You know.... it was before I finished school" Widening my eyes at him. "Ohhh right..... That guy spread that shit all-round school.... me and Jeff went round to his house to kick his ass" My head drops down in shame, that was the bit of story I deliberately left out when I told Jon. "So that's why..." My eyes meet Jon's, just so I can see his expression and it isn't what I expected. I thought he'd have laughed or judged me but, he instead, looks like he understands. "That's the day I promised myself that no one was gonna get it.... Unless it's someone who loves me" His brows knit together with confusion as if I had said something wrong "I thought you said you already did it?". A deep sigh bursts from my lips, my gaze switching between Jon and my lap then back to Jon again "No... nothing happened.... He tried to make me do it but I slapped him and ran out of his car and as payback, he spread it all around school that we did" His eyes intensely gaze at me as if he's searching for something. 

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