Meet the Parents

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5th June 1986 / New Jersey

Liza's POV

"Babe... Don't worry, okay? Just be yourself and they'll love you" Giving his hand a light squeeze. He's just pulling up to my parent's house in his shiny red car, his breathing coming out shaky. I had called in and told my parents about Jon the other day, so it's not a complete surprise, but naturally, they just had to have him over for dinner and stay for the night. My only condition was that Jon and I could share the bedroom, after all, I'm not a child anymore. My mom didn't mind but my dad on the other hand is having trouble coming to terms with all of this. "But I just didn't tell them what you do...I kinda wanted to leave that to you" His mouth drops open in horror "Wait? what? babe what if they just see me as another asshole rock star?". "Hey.... No.... that won't happen, baby.... If anything I think my dad is gonna hover over us because he'll be so worried about us fooling around" A devilish smirk curves his lips "Mmm... well maybe we will" Wiggling his brows suggestively. 

"Hey, mom..... dad" Pulling each of them in for a warm embrace before turning to Jon "This is Jon.... my boyfriend..... Jon this is Marylin my mother and Walter my father" Gesturing to them both with my hand. "Hey, Jon... It's lovely to meet you" My mom yanked him in for a hug, prompting a quiet laugh from him. "Hi... Jon... What are your intentions for my daughter" Crossing his arms in front of him? "Are you serious dad? Could you at least let him get in the house first?" Ushering Jon past my parents and towards the living room. "Really Walter? she's just met the boy" My mom shakes her head in disappointment before following me into the living room.  

"I'm sorry Jonny... I'm so embarrassed" Holding my face in my hands as I trail off, trying my best to hide my flushed cheeks. "It's fine babe... I'm just happy you answered him because I didn't have an answer to that" Giggling away to himself. "Hell... I didn't even have an answer to that" Bursting into a giggling fit. "Come on I'll show you around" Linking my arm around his and led him around the house. "This is the dining room..." He walks off around the room, his eyes scanning every little thing "Wait... These photos..... are they yours?" His head whipped round to look at me. My cheeks glow bright pink with embarrassment "Umm... well.... yeah.... my parents wanted a portrait of each of us so I said I'd do it". "Holy shit.... is that you? How old are you there?", "I was 16" Fiddling with my hands nervously while he examines the photo of a young me. "Rich was right.... you look so different.... HOT but different", "Oh gosh.... Just wait till you find out what everyone called me in school" My cheeks burned with embarrassment. "I don't care what a bunch of assholes say about you baby.... I care about you" His large warm hand slithers across my cheek as he slowly moves in, connecting his lips with mine for a delicate kiss. 

Suddenly the door bursts open, tearing us apart "Oh I'm sorry honey... I was just wondering if you kids are hungry. I could make us some lunch?" My mom's beaming smile raises her lips as she looks between Jon and me. "Yeah, mom... That would be great... Thanks" And with that, she disappears back out of the room. "Well at least your brother and mom like me" Snickering away to himself "Hey... My dad will come around... I've just never brought a boy home before so he's freaking out a bit". 

"And this is my old room... but It was thankfully redecorated after I moved out.... they replaced the wardrobe with a bookcase to put all my old stuff in" Gesturing around the bedroom. The walls are painted lilac and there's a big double bed in the center. He immediately scurries over to the bookcase, shuffling through all my old things.  "What's this..... Where's it from?" Holding a snow globe in his hand and giving it a little shake. "Oh... It's a snow globe from Italy... my parents went there for their honeymoon..... It's my favourite place in the world" Slumping myself down on the bed while he continues to look through my stuff. "Ya know... my great grandparents came over here from Italy" My jaw drops open in shock "Wow... Really?" He swiftly nods in response. "I mean I can't speak a whole lot of Italian and I've never been there but... yeah... my mom's side is from Germany and Russia... dad's side is from Italy", "Wow... That's great... I love family history.... a large part of my family came from Ireland" Sliding my jacket off my arms as I trail off. "Oh man... so I'm dating a crazy Irish girl huh?" He snickers mischievously at his comment and continues to search through my old stuff. 

Always Run To You (Jon Bon Jovi FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora