Job of a life time

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7th May 1986 New Jersey

Jon's POV 

"Hey, Kidd how's it goin? Are you guys ready for the tour?" Doc gives me a pat on the shoulder as he trails off, a beaming smile stretched across his face. "Yeah, we can't wait...... Listen I've got an idea for the tour" He looks at me suspiciously upon hearing my words. A frustrated sigh slips from his lips, crossing his arms in front of him "Okay let's hear it?". "Well I want to hire a photographer for the tour". "Yeah Jon there's gonna be photographers from different magazines and newspapers covering the tour" My head swiftly shakes in response "No I want to hire a photographer for the band.... for the whole tour.....and I already have someone in mind". 

After some much needed persuasion, he finally gave in to the idea and let me do it but my only condition was that he called and set up a meeting between me, him and the photographer. The only thing he didn't know was that this was just a plan to see Liza again. I did however tell him that I only want her and no on else and if I can't get her then I don't want to go through with the idea.

I'm currently clung to his side while he's dialling the number, holding the phone between our ears as the ringing sounds. "Hello EK Scope.... Miss Kelly speaking" The amount of joy that surged through my body when I heard her voice was almost like a volcanic eruption. "Hello Miss Kelly.... My name is Doc McGee, I'm manager of a rock band... I'd like to talk to you about possibly hiring a photographer for a tour?...." They both droned on about boring stuff for a long time but it was nice to hear her voice again after so long. They had booked a meeting at her office for next week, so naturally my nerves were on fire. She doesn't know who the band is which is definitely a good thing because if she did she probably wouldn't have agreed to it. I'm so excited to finally be seeing her after almost a year, there's so much I need to talk to her about. 

Elizabeth's POV 

"Steve could you let me know as soon as our client is here.... This could be a really big one... so do anything to keep them happy" Blurting out orders to my assistant before sipping on my coffee. I have no idea which band it's for, the manager never told me but I have to admit, a part of me wants it to be Jon's band, just so I can see his face just once. He still hasn't called me which is annoying but I'm still holding out hope. 

My eyes give my outfit a once over in the bathroom mirror, to make sure it's suitable and smart enough. My tight black skirt, black heels and tight button down shirt with the first few buttons undone. A deep breath releases from my mouth before trotting out the bathroom, my heels clicking against the floor.

"Miss Kelly.... the client is here" Steve huffing and puffing off running around "Alright.... They in my office?" He swiftly nods his head in response. "You get them anything they need?" , "I'm just doing that now" Jogging off towards the coffee machine. Before heading into my office, I quickly ruffle through my bag, giving myself a spray of perfume and painting my lips dark red. 

My heart is thumping out my chest as I hesitantly swing the door open, not knowing exactly who I'm going to see. My eyes are immediately met with two men facing away from me, one rather short and on the bigger side with hardly any hair on his head and the other with a leather jacket on and his fluffy blonde locks. My heels click against the floor as I make my way round my desk, planting my papers down on the desk, still not looking at them. 

"Hi.... you must be Doc.... Nice to meet you" Throwing my hand out for him to shake "Yeah that's me.... lovely to meet you Miss Kelly" Taking my hand and giving it a light shake. "Oh please call me Liza" Giggling as I trail off "This is Jon Bon Jovi.... He's the lead singer of 'Bon Jovi' who wants to hire the photographer" Gesturing to the right of him. My heart nearly jumps out my chest, my jaw snapped off and fell on the floor when my eyes met his. I know a part of me wanted to see Jon but now that I have, I'm not sure it was such a good idea. My mind is flooded with memories of Jon during that week in Detroit, the kiss and the ring he gave me which hasn't left my finger.

Always Run To You (Jon Bon Jovi FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon