Give me a call

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14th May 1986 New Jersey 

Elizabeth's POV 

So after our first date, I decided to build the suspense and asked him to drop me off at home, of course, I felt bad but I didn't want to jump straight into bed with him on the first date. He wasn't angry or upset, he understood, much to my surprise.  That was a week ago and since then I have seen him once briefly seeing as I've been busy with work and him with his new album. I don't mind that I haven't seen him a whole lot, I'm not the kind of girl who would want to live in his pocket, I do have my own life after all. 

"Morning Steve... How's everything going?" Smiling at him as I trail off. My key shuffles into the lock of my office door, giving it a twirl and swinging it open. "Everything is great Miss Kelly... And yourself?" My staff have a habit of calling me 'Miss Kelly' which I don't mind but I have told them they can call me Liza repeatedly. My bag slams down on my desk along with my mug of steaming hot coffee which will certainly help me wake up. "Yes, I'm very well thank you" Smiling over at him before taking a sip of my coffee. "Has there been any calls for me?" , "Oh yes..... Jon Bon Jovi called and asked if you could give him a call... He left his number" Handing a slip of paper with Jon's house number on it. "Alright, thanks Steve" Giving him a nod to leave me alone to call him back. My hands excitedly scramble to pick my phone up, my fingers thudding in the numbers on the phone, listening to the ringing in my ear. Much to my disappointment, the answering machine beeped, prompting me to leave a message. 

"Oh... Hey Jonny... It's just me... Liza... I got your message and thought I'd give you a call.... say hey... Geez, it's only 7 am.... you probably aren't even awake yet... Umm... This is purely out of an impulse to see you..... Maybe we could go for a drink sometime.... soon... I dunno... if you want.... gimme a call at home or stop by tonight if you aren't busy.... see ya"  Clicking the phone back down in the holder with a deep sigh, feeling relieved to get that over with. I'm hoping he does get back to me with a day, I mean he wouldn't ask me to call if he didn't want to see me again. 

A few hours later.....

"Jess, did you get that job finished for me? It needs to be done by today", "Yeah Miss Kelly, It's on your desk" Nodding as she trails off. "That's great... Thank you... Keep up the good work" patting her on the shoulder before moving on to my next victim. "Hey, Mark... Everything going alright?" , "Oh... Yeah... Everything is going great thanks" Giving me a quick smile before carrying on with his work. 

After doing a quick round to check on everyone, I slump myself back down in my office, shortly followed by my assistant Steve "Steve could you gather all the staff for a quick meeting please". He disappears out of my office for five minutes while he gathers everyone up. I don't usually have a meeting unless it's something extremely important, I like things to run as smoothly as possible. 

Suddenly the door opens and everyone comes shuffling in, looking rather nervous. "Hey, guys... Sorry for taking up your time, I know you've all been working hard and trust me it hasn't gone unnoticed... But there are a few things I have to tell you" All of their faces looked even more panicked upon hearing my words. "First things first... I decided to take the 'Bon Jovi' job... I know no one else was available for it but we really could use this... If we take this job... It could mean a lot of new equipment... new bigger office... So I will be gone from July of this year until December 87" Everyone looks at each other in utter confusion and panic. "But what are we gonna do? We need a boss here", "Don't worry about it... David will be acting Manager until then, he is your supervisor after all... So don't hesitate to go to him for any help or if you have any questions" Gesturing over to Dave who swiftly nods in response, David is a hard worker and has been here since I opened the place, so I know I can trust him. "And the last thing... Some good news for everyone... There is going to be a Christmas bonus this year for all your hard work... A lot is going to be changing from now on so just bear with me and David and the result will be amazing I promise" My lips curve into a gentle smile as I trail off. Everyone looks at each other with a look of excitement on their faces, I think it's just what they needed to hear after a year of going at a snail's pace.

Always Run To You (Jon Bon Jovi FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang