The Soiree - Part 1

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The hot water cascaded down my back soothing the back pains I got from my awkward sleeping positions. What is it with hot showers? The sunlight was penetrating through the translucent window forming glowing gold stripes on the floor. The steam slowly started to fill the room up making the mirror attached to the shower go misty within seconds. Showers were my place of thinking, when you're just standing there letting the water rush all over you, you just go into deep thought so easily and right now, I was thinking about Micah. This morning, after missing 2 of Miguel's calls, I then went to my iMessage and typed 'Yo' to Micah, two simple letters but as my hand hovered over the send button, I felt so conflicted. I was such a proud person, the type where if I felt disrespected in the smallest way, I stopped talking to someone, hell would literally have to freeze over before I made the first move. Even if I longed to talk to the person, I would completely ignore their entire existence because to me, breaking first was weak and in this case, I genuinely failed to see what I did wrong. I definitely didn't appreciate him making me feel like I had purposely and maliciously intended to delve into his private life. However, admittedly, I understood why he'd be so protective of his ill mother, it wasn't something you'd want others to know about. Just the thought of being around Micah and the other boys now made me itch with discomfort, I was already mentally exhausted from having to ignore Jordan but now Micah too? This was so unnecessary. Tonight was the Halloween party too and Micah's birthday party was next week too, was I even still invited? Arghh, just thinking about it aggravated me because I didn't do anything wrong, why was that so hard to comprehend? And what was up with Micah? I noticed he had a habit of going to 0 to a 100 so unexpectedly. There's definitely something wrong there, hmm.

"ARGHHHHHHHH!" Sandra's piercing scream violently snatched me away from my thoughts startling me. What in the hell? Was there a burglar? Was there a mouse? What?

I hopped out the shower quickly, drying myself as fast as possible then slipped back into my nightgown and ran out the bathroom. She was standing with her back to me in the kitchen looking towards the cooker with her hands on her head clearly in distress. What was she looking at? I cautiously walked up behind her to see the object of her disdain.

Oh, for fucks sake. I didn't know whether to cackle with laughter or be annoyed by her overreaction. Inside a big metal Dutch pot was what looked like bundles of dried burnt weave. She had put them on the cooker late last night to boil but must have forgotten to take them off by the looks of it. Now, I don't wear weave or know anything about this whole boiling it shit but if I bought a bunch of expensive bundles of hair, best believe I wouldn't forget I put it on a cooker. I started spluttering with laughter leaning onto the kitchen counter for support until I remembered she made me run out of my shower for this foolishness. The smug grin vanished from my face fast as I took in her lethal screw.

"Piss off, I'm not even in the mood for you right now," she hissed turning back to the mess.

"Hmm, well that burnt shit would make a better look than whatever rats nest is chilling on your head right now," I sniggered to myself walking off. Shoutout to God though for my great humour I thought.

"Well I stole your nigga with this weave so," she muttered back quietly but just loud enough for me to catch making me quickly heat up with anger. Keep walking, Kleo, don't entertain it.

I slammed my door shut and then headed towards my wardrobe. Hmm, I was low on self confidence these last days so I wanted to wear something that'd make me feel good. Being around Sandra, who was constantly dressed up was starting to make me feel self conscious and I hated that. Also, I was so used to wearing track suits and hoodies, my more alluring clothes were left to catch dust in my wardrobe. I pulled out a dark green shirt/dress I'd bought yet never worn and placed it over the new Victoria Secret lingerie set I treated myself to. With sexy lingerie, even though I knew no one was going to see me in it, just wearing it and feeling the lace material made me feel sexy. The shirt dress had a brown belt in the middle I tied around my waist. It came to my slender thighs, provocatively displaying my long legs which were my favourite bodily feature. Next I headed straight for the knee high loubs I had bought for myself, yet again, had never been confident enough to wear. They were towering and had a thin heel making me fear falling over in them but my God, did they look good I thought raising my leg up high. Now came to the hard part; my hair. My hair was just a curly mess on my head that was hard to control so being creative with hairstyles was always out of the question. I decided to pack it up tightly and go with a bun since that would emphasise more on my face. After applying natural looking make up to my face I glanced at myself in the mirror grinning. This was so ... not me but I loved it, I felt and looked good. I did the celebrated twerk you did in the mirror when you knew you looked 100. My stomach started to grumble and I looked at the clock, shit, I spent 47 minutes in my room and hadn't even had breakfast yet. I left my room making sure to lock it behind me, you can never be too careful with demons about, speaking of the demon, I could hear water splashing in the bathroom so she was probably showering, good. I was still embarrassed by her comment and I hated that she still had this effect on me, for fucks sake. With the click clacking of my heels I strolled to the kitchen to be met by Jordan sitting in the living room on his phone. I was definitely surprised by this but then Sandra probably invited him over out of spite. He looked up when he saw me, then instinctively looked back at his phone before glancing up again wide eyed. Refusing to acknowledge him, I opened the cupboard and pulled the cornflakes box out, it was suspiciously light. I rummaged through the box only to find it was empty, that fucking witch. Checking the fridge, the same was for the milk, she had finished that too. What pissed me off the most was the fact that she had the nerve to put it back in the fridge knowing damn well it was empty, unnecessarily selling me dreams. I closed the fridge door and saw the corner of the invite on top of the fridge peeking out, reminding me about tonight, I hate to admit it but a part of me was getting excited too. Through all this, I could feel his unwavering glare making every second I didn't acknowledge him more and more awkward. The girls would probably be up by now I thought grabbing my keys from the table and skipping out the door to their place.

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