Suicide watch

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I instantly slammed the door shut just missing her face. She started pounding on the door as the blood started rushing in my head, I just stood there staring through the door drowning out Sandra's shouting and Remmington and Jordan's breathing. The door had me so transfixed I wished I could just walk through it and escape from this chaos. What was going on? Sandra was my room mate? Surely this was some kind of sick joke, what were the chances of all people, God selecting this demon to live with me? I was so lost in my thoughts I almost dismissed the presence of the two elephants in the room before Sandra started banging again, argh, I'll deal with her later.

"Jordan," I stuttered, I couldn't face looking at him in fear of his reaction. I had every right to scream and shout at him yet I felt as though I could potentially crumble under his steely glare any second. I slid out of the way making way for him to pass, still glaring at the door. "Leave now."

There was a rustling sound before he stepped by me and grabbed the handle, he looked down at me one last time before he opened the door but I refused to acknowledge him, he was really still trying? My God. He swung the door open and an angry Sandra's mouth opened about to start shouting before she realised it was Jordan, not me. It was shocking how quickly her face went from stony angry to soft concerned, her narrow eyes glimmered like a lost puppy dogs as she yearned for him to glance at her.

"Jordan?" she exhaled. He pulled his hood up and barged past her as if she was invisible and disappeared down the hallway. Her shoulders slumped with defeat as awkward tension grew in the air, fuck. I slammed the door again, too quickly for her to respond. I needed time to think again I thought before I could feel Remmingtons stare now penetrating through me.

He looked forlorn and sullen as he bent down and started clearing all the items they'd scattered on the floor during the fight. They had also broken my favourite vase Jordan had given me months ago for Valentine's Day, flowers were strewn across the floor too which had clearly been trampled on.


"What?" I snapped at him.

"I know that was badmind of me, sorry man, shit." he said. He grabbed the glass pieces of the broken vase and binned them before walking towards me pouting. There was a slight purplish bruise emerging on his left cheek. "I just really need your help with the conclusion tho, pleeeeeease." Remmington looked genuinely apologetic and I swear it was almost impossible being annoyed with someone who was so cute.

"Fine," I agreed as he wrapped his arm around me dragging me towards his Mac. Just as I was about to sit down, the witch slammed on the door again so hard it began to shook, she was not going to give up. Remmington and I looked at each other before staring at the door, she was making too much noise, I'd have to let her in I realised.

Dragging my feet, I reluctantly walked towards the door and opened it for her not hiding my annoyance. Sandra glanced at me and then screwed me before hauling her bags into the room.

"Next time, open the fucking door the first time." she hissed. I sighed loudly and made a brief prayer as my hands itched to lunge at her, no, no, not today. She was forgetting that this was my place and always will be. She walked to the middle of the living room then scanned Remmington, the guy was tapping away on his mac and didn't even notice her, what's wrong with this boy I laughed to myself. Clearly unimpressed by the lack of attention she was receiving she huffed and flicked her weave before facing me with a sour look.

"Where's my room?" she kissed her teeth. It was actually getting to the point where I was visualising myself fucking her up and actually enjoying the thought. I pointed to her room and breathed out a sigh of relief when she left.

"Sandra's your roommate? Peak." Remmington sniggered still typing.

"Wait, you know her?"

"OF her" he answered now looking at me. "Pretty much everyone does."

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