Package for Miss Kleo

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After a few seconds of standing at the door and mustering up whatever courage I could find with in me, I meekly pushed it open and walked inside the room. Luckily, my class seemed to be engulfed in chatter so I went unnoticed as I searched for a good seat. The seats were laid in a circular format with Micah lazily sitting opposite tapping away on his phone. I decided it was best I stay away from him for a while, he was trouble. I sat on the far side of the circle next to Amber, a mixed raced girl who was friendly but also somewhat obnoxious. Ms Martinez noticed me skulk in and smiled when she saw me, she was a beautiful mature yet youthful looking Latina women, her skin radiated just as much as her ruby woo framed smile. Any nerves I once had were slowly starting to fade as she approached me.

"Kleopatra, isit?" She asked in a Spanish accent, the way she rolled the R in my name was sexy.


"Welcome welcome," she threw her perfectly manicured hand to greet me.

"You're just in time, we were just doing an icebreaker task since everyone is here today, any questions regarding previous work or help, come to me," she ended with a beam as she scooted her way over to the other side of the circle, I couldn't help but enviously notice the way her teal dress perfectly hugged her figure, wow. Irritatingly, Micah was staring at me watching her, I looked at him, he wriggled his eyebrows with that stupid smirk of his looking from Ms Martinez to me clearly insinuating something, ew. Scowling in return, I shifted my chair so he wasn't in my full view. I was already bothered by this far fetched rumour that was ignited and here he was being his usual unserious self, it angered me more. I know I shouldn't blame him for the fact that there are fast busybody girls in our uni but I couldn't help it, if he hadn't followed me into the toilets, none of this would have happened.

"Okay, Class!" Ms Martinez clapped her hands silencing the classes chatter. "We're going to start debates today to help you with on the spot arguing for your mock courtroom trials later on in term. Remember 15% of your final grade is based on participation and in class work. Now I'll give you a topic, which you just argue for or against. Get into two groups, everybody!"

Everyone gave each other that awkward look where they didn't know what to do next. Our class hadn't known each other long enough to be randomly picking each other like that.

"Ay, we'll make it boys versus girls yeah," Micah piped up commanding all the males over to his side. All the girls nodded in agreement as they huddled towards Amber who was commandeering the girls side.

"Oi, guys, forreal, we have to slay them," she said receiving grunts of agreement. I was so disconnected, standing up in front of these people - whom I didn't know nor did I care for - arguing some random point didn't sound too appealing.

"Okay, let's start off with something easy. Abortion is illegal in Ireland unless for medical intervention. Should it be legalised. Girls you are against and boys you're for," Ms Martinez's announcement was followed by a hubbub of chatter from both sides as they'd whisper ideas to each other.

"Okay, so obviously yeah," Amber started. The annoying cockney twang in her voice was slowly starting to eat away at me. "Abortion is murder because you're killing a potential life, that's one."

"Also," another girl chipped in. She was a white girl with a high sleek bun and huge glasses that perched on her button nose.
"That life could potentially be the person to cure Cancer or do some good in the world."

That life could also be the potential Jordan's of the world I thought. I was still seething from my encounter with him, I mean, how could he even be audacious enough to question me like that?

I had to inwardly roll my eyes at the way these girls were dropping some secondary school arguments. After a few more measly inputs from the other girls, we had to publicly debate with the boys side. I sat out watching my teams embarrassingly poor performance, thank God I was not involved. Unsurprisingly, the boys won with stupid Micah, some white boy who smiled too much (excited, much?) and some guy called Raj leading the win. They sat down all high fiving each other as if this was a real trial, chill b.

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