The Soiree - Part 2

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(This was supposed to be a really long chapter but I thought I'd at least give you guys something now since I'm taking so long because of bloody exams. This is like a small part of the whole chapter, like a preview so enjoy and I promise I'll try and be quick with the rest xxx)

A few hours earlier

Naomi sat on the kitchen stool with her legs crossed trying not to crease her gown, she kept glancing at her reflection in the mirror across the room, impressed with how good she looked.

"What time is it?" Micah asked emerging from the bathroom in just his Calvin Klein boxers, he had a towel in his hands and was drying his hair. Naomi looked up to answer but was momentarily taken back and clenched her thighs together to stop the fast growing throbbing in between her legs.


"Cool, cool. I don't want to be late, for once,"

She smiled at him making sure to flutter her excessively long fake eyelashes at him. The ivory dress she was wearing had a long slit on one side so her legs were on full display and it showed an ample display of cleavage, which she didn't mind pushing out.

"You look nice," Micah commented glancing at his phone then placing it on the counter. She turned away trying not to blush as she thanked him.

"So when are we leaving?" She asked. Kleo flashed into her mind for a second but she suppressed her thoughts, I'm sure she'll find a way there with the way so many guys were currently jumping for her attention Naomi thought to herself.

"In 10 minutes," Micah replied from his bedroom. She would have loved nothing more than to watch him dress or even help him dress (or preferably undress). Naomi groaned unable to shake the racy thoughts from her mind, it was hard being in such close proximity with someone she found to be so Godly alluring.

"You know Kleo, yeah?" Micahs voice bellowed from his room making Naomi sit up with curiosity. "Are you two close or something?"

She looked up trying to think of how to answer that question and was silent for a few seconds.

"Not really, she's just some girl I know from college, why?" Even when Kleo wasn't here, she still managed to be the topic of conversation Naomi bitterly thought.

"Just asking,"

"Are you two ... close?" Naomi shot back knowing damn well she didn't really want to know the answer.

"Not really," Micah responded from his room, surprising her. She genuinely thought they were good friends with the way they were recently always together or maybe she was just reading too much into things. Micahs phone suddenly vibrated on the counter top and she peered over to look at the screen, it was a message from Kleo. Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear.

Naomi started drumming her fingers on the tabletop impatiently, curiosity was eating away at her as she wondered what the message consisted of. All types of ideas flew around in her head. Had he invited her over? Shit. Was he going to meet her there? Maybe it was just small talk? She couldn't bare the torture any longer, grabbing the phone, she cautiously looked down the corridor and then typed in Micah's password, she had seen him unlocking his phone many times to know what it was.

She opened the message and was confused. Kleo had sent him a text saying 'Yo' but that was it, there were no previous messages between them. They didn't even text each other? All these assumptions Naomi previously had were crumbling and it was relieving her. She could suddenly hear Micah closing his wardrobe door and quickly swiped the message to the right and pressed delete before locking the phone and sliding it back to its original position.

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