The Soiree - Part 3

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Writers block is a bitch but finally a new chapter and I promise I will update regularly this year. Oh yeah, happy new year guys :))) Enjoy guys and make sure you comment and tell me what you think ;) FAM I made it proper longgggg uno so you guys better be grateful.

The interior of the club was nothing like I imagined I thought as we weaved our way through people. It was ... wow. I know wow isn't a valid description but that was the only word that did it justice right now. Blue light illuminated the room making everything look like it was part of the introduction to Belly, you could just about make out shadows and silhouettes floating about.

The theme consisted of a navy blue and black, there were huge dark blue chandeliers hanging off the ceiling that gave off a dim light. The walls were decorated with what looked like black velvet and blue lanterns. Candles hung off the walls in fancy shaped glasses flickering orange flames. The floor was made of grey marble and so shiny that even in the darkness, I could see my reflection off of it. Across the hall stood tall Ivory white pillars that reminded me of those that you would see in museums surrounded by Greek statues. Tall modelesque girls wearing sexy catwoman PVC outfits sauntered around confidently with trays in their hands filled with drinks. Also, in the middle of the huge interior was what looked like a shimmering aqua pool? I couldn't keep my eye on one feature because another would catch my attention, it was like walking into another fantasy dimension.

Ricardo dragged me further and further into the sea of people swaying to Biggie - Big Poppa whilst I tagged along admiring my surroundings. I was in awe of the huge circular cages that hung from the ceilings which contained acrobatic dancers twirling ribbons. We headed closer to the pool in the middle and I halted in amazement, it was huge and square shaped but also looked very deep. Exotic colourful fishes swam around inside but there were also ... mermaids? Mermaids? I pulled Ricardo with me to take a closer look wondering if I was seeing things but no, there were actually real girls with long dancing dark hair who had their breasts covered only by small clams and huge intricately detailed torquous fins swimming underwater and occasionally coming up for air. Each time they did so, it was so effortless. They would emerge from the water and dip back in again with ease, this was literally the stuff of dreams.

"Wow," I heard Ricardo mutter as we both gawked. Just as quickly as the mermaids grabbed my attention, I saw something gold moving predator like from the corner of my eye.

"What the fuck?!"

Ricardo followed my eye and then his mouth dropped open in sync with mine. Casually walking past us was a tall girl with long bronzed legs on display as she wore a tight black leotard and heels. Her long sleek black ponytail swayed behind her diverting attention to her bare pert ass cheeks. However, in her palm was a leash attached to a cheetah, a fucking cheetah?!

The animal moved slowly and softly through the crowd with its shiny coat of gold and black spots. We watched it cautiously walk past and observed everyone's shocked (and slightly scared) reactions. Glancing around the room quickly I noticed there were two other girls who looked identical to the first girl who also were strutting around with cheetahs. I blinked twice just to make sure I wasn't imagining this and I wasn't, this was actually happening.

"This is liiiiiiiit," he laughed. "I swear to God I think I might be high. Fuck,"

Ricardo was right, mermaids? Cheetahs? This was just ridiculous, it only made me more curious as to who's party this was, who would go this overboard for a simple Halloween party? Must have been one of those rich international kids.

My phone vibrated in my purse and I pulled it out already knowing who it would be. Ayesha.

Are you here yet? Omg Kleo, this place is maddddddd.

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