The Ruckus

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"When I see that demon bitches face, I'm gonna tump her so hard I'll fly that dead wig off!" Ayesha spat whilst punching into her hand with force.

"That snake Naomi, she needs to get her jaw spun too forreaaaal," Aminah chipped in making the others murmur in agreement.

"And him, that immoral dog, how can he be fucking Sandra?"

Despite the fact that we were cramped in a cab racing to my social falling, Ade was waving her hands around everywhere to add emphasis to her words.

"Does *claps* he *claps* not *claps* fear *claps* God?" She threw her hands up after the final clap contorting her face up in disgust.

I threw a weak smile at them all, they were more infuriated than me at this point, after my brave moment of hailing all of them in the club (as if we were the fucking power rangers) to go and confront all of them, I started feeling less and less certain about this. The putrid taste of vomit was rising again as I started to feel more and more edgy. I opened one of the windows and let the rush of air hit me and drown out the girls arguing over how much harm they planned to inflict. The passing houses were looking familiar as we got closer and closer to the college, my heartbeat was becoming erratic and my mouth had pretty much dried but there was no going back. My heart was wounded beyond repair, my mind was in disbelief still trying to rationalise the video but my pride was what was driving me. I had always been a very proud woman, if I ever felt the slightest disrespect, there was no chance in hell I'd roll over, I was just too proud. I didn't forgive and forget, I just wasn't capable because even when I attempted to, my pride would ridicule and torture me, reminding me that I was worth more.

"Guuuuurl, we huuuur!" Ayesha snatched me out of my thoughts with her poor American accent. She had tied her hair in a bun, the extravagant hoop earrings she was just wearing were nowhere to be seen and she was now slapping Vaseline on to her arms. I watched her with my eyebrow raised, really? I'm about to go and (attempt) to fuck shit up and she's going all warrior combat mode on me.

"What?" She said catching my facial expression. "We gotta be ready, if a bitch touches me, I'm gonna slide out her grip like butter, duh," she two stepped to the left to demonstrate this 'slide'.

What was I doing? I didn't plan on fighting but I also didn't plan on talking. I wanted to speak to Jordan and for him to explain himself but then what? He would grovel pathetically I assume and I'd walk away? Just like that? My mind was clogged with all these possibilities as I pushed the assembly door open and entered the hall. It was dark aside from the occasional fluorescent light which ran over the crowd and the bright LED lights illuminating each corner. The stench of body odour and weed was repugnant as it hit the back of my throat. Students were either dancing on each other, leaning on a wall with a drink or conversing. As my eyes adjusted to the blackness I scoured the room; Naomi was the first person to hit my view, she was leaning on a table across the hall talking to a talk guy with his back turned to me. Seeing her so carefree and giggle angered me even more, the Judas. I weaved my way through the crowd with Ayesha and Deanna behind me occasionally stopping to exchange greetings with people, they were proper longing this out. Someone needed to be in a body bag pronto and here they are hugging and high fiving random people.

"I think..." Deanna shouted over the afrobeats playing leaning in towards me.

"I think that's them," she pointed towards the back of a voluptuous girl in a skin tight black dress and laced stripper boots, her long burgundy weave cascaded down her back down to her well endowed derrière, adding effect to it's size. Just judging by the over the top, ridiculously lengthened weave, I could confirmed with surety that that was her. Sandra. Prey number 1. She had a drink in her hand and her shoulders shook as she laughed, I took a step sidewards to see what was the subject of her humour. There he was sitting lazily on a chair smiling up at her as they spoke with his phone in his hand.

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